That is a very deep question. There was series of papers recently with proof ofproving the convergence of gradient descent for overparameterized deep networknetworks (for example, Gradient Descent Finds Global Minima of Deep Neural Networks, A Convergence Theory for Deep Learning via Over-Parameterization or Stochastic Gradient Descent Optimizes Over-parameterized Deep ReLU Networks). All of them condition proof on randomthe proofs assume that the initial weights are assigned randomly according to a Gaussian distribution of weights. It's importanceThe main reasons this initial distribution is important for the proofs depend on two factorsare:
Random weights make the ReLU operators in each layer statistically compressive mapping (up to a linear transformation).
Random weights preserve separation of input for any input distribution - that is if input samples are distinguishable network propagation will not make them indistinguishable.
Those properties are very difficult to reproduce with deterministicdeterministically generated initial weight matrices, and even if they are reproducible with deterministic matrices NULL-space (domain offrom which we can generate adversarial examples) would likely make the method impracticalless useful in practice. More importantly, and more important preservation of those properties during gradient descent would likely make method impractical. But overall it's very difficult but not impossible, and may warrant some research in that direction. In analogous situation, there were some results for Restricted Isometry Property for deterministic matrices in a compressed sensing.