ConsideringIn a NN regression problem, considering that it’sMSE is squaring the error and the error is between zero0 and 1 MSE would it be pointless in predicting values in that range correctto use MSE as our loss function during model training?
For example:
MSE = (y_pred - y_true) ^ 2
@ Expected model output range [0, 1]:
MSE = (0.1 - 0.01) ^ 2 = 0.0081
// Significantly larger error is less pronounced in the MSE output
MSE = (0.1 - 0.0001) ^ 2 = 0.00998001
@ Expected model output range [10, 20]:
MSE = (10 - 12) ^ 2 = 4
// Significantly larger error is more pronounced in the MSE output
MSE = (10 - 20) ^ 2 = 100
If it’s indeed useless for that range, would using RMSE allow us to use this loss function at 0-1 range to benefit from its outlier sensitivity during training?
Edit: the expected output or is a rangethere another loss that would mimic the effect of MSE for values between 0-1 i.e a regression problem not a classification problem. and 1?