I'll give it a go here and try to answer your question, I'm not sure if this is entirely correct, so if someone thinks that it isn't please correct me.
I'll disregard expectation here to make things simpler. First, note that policy $\pi$ depends on parameter vector $\phi$ and function $f_\phi(\epsilon_t;s_t)$, and value function $Q$ depends on parameter vector $\theta$ and same function $f_\phi(\epsilon_t;s_t)$. Also, one important thing that authors mention in the paper and you didn't mention is that this solution is approximate gradient not the true gradient.
Our goal is to calculate gradient of objective function $J_\pi$ with respect to $\phi$, so disregarding the expectation we have:
$\nabla_\phi J_\pi (\phi) = \nabla_\phi \log\pi(\phi,f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t)) - \nabla_\phi Q(s_t,\theta,f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t))$
Let's see the gradient of first term on right hand side. To get the full gradient we need to calculate derivative w.r.t to both variables, $\phi$ and $f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t)$, so we have:
$\nabla_\phi \log\pi(\phi,f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t)) = \frac {\partial \log\pi(\phi,f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t))}{\partial \phi} + \frac{\partial \log\pi(\phi,f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t))}{\partial f_\phi(\epsilon_t;s_t)} \frac{\partial f_\phi(\epsilon_t;s_t)}{\partial \phi}$
This is where approximation comes, they replace $f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t)$ with $a_t$ in some places and we have:
$\nabla_\phi \log\pi(\phi,f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t)) \approx \frac {\partial \log\pi(\phi,a_t)}{\partial \phi} + \frac{\partial \log\pi(\phi,a_t)}{\partial a_t} \frac{\partial f_\phi(\epsilon_t;s_t)}{\partial \phi}$
$\nabla_\phi \log\pi(\phi,f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t)) \approx \nabla_\phi \log\pi(\phi,a_t) + \nabla_{a_t} \log\pi(\phi,a_t) \nabla_\phi f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t)$
For the second term in first expression on right hand side we have:
$\nabla_\phi Q(s_t,\theta,f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t)) = \frac {\partial Q(s_t,\theta,f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t))}{\partial \phi} + \frac{\partial Q(s_t,\theta,f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t))}{\partial f_\phi(\epsilon_t;s_t)} \frac{\partial f_\phi(\epsilon_t;s_t)}{\partial \phi}$
$\nabla_\phi Q(s_t,\theta,f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t)) \approx \frac {\partial Q(s_t,\theta,a_t)}{\partial \phi} + \frac{\partial Q(s_t,\theta,a_t)}{\partial a_t} \frac{\partial f_\phi(\epsilon_t;s_t)}{\partial \phi}$
Fist term on right hand side is 0 because $Q$ does not depend on $\phi$ so we have:
$\nabla_\phi Q(s_t,\theta,f_\phi (\epsilon_t;s_t)) \approx \nabla_{a_t}Q(s_t, \theta,a_t)\nabla_\phi f_\phi(\epsilon_t;s_t)$
Now you add up things and you get the final result.