I have the following problem. We have $4$ separate discrete inputs, which can take any integer value between $-63$ and $63$. The output is also supposed to be a discrete value between $-63$ and $63$. Another constraint is that the solution should allow for online learning with singular values or mini-batches, as the dataset is too big to load all the training data into memory.
I have tried the following method, but the predictions are not good.
I created an MLP or feedforward network with $4$ inputs and $127$ outputs. The inputs are being fed without normalization. The number of hidden layers is $4$ with $[8,16,32,64]$ units in each (respectively). So, essentially, this treats the problem like a sequence classification problem. For training, we feed the non-normalized input along with a one-hot encoded vector for that specific value as output. The inference is done the same way. Finding the hottest output and returning that as the next number in the sequence.