J. Pitrat (born in 1934) was a French leading artificial intelligence scientist (the first to get a Ph.D. in France mentioning "artificial intelligence"). His blog is still online and of course refer to most of his papers (e.g. A Step toward an Artificial Artificial Intelligence Scientist, etc.) and books, notably Artificial Beings: the conscience of a conscious machine (his last book). He passed away in October 2019. I attended (and presented a talk) at a seminar in his memory.
What are recent AI systems or research papers related to the idea of symbolic AI, introspection, declarative metaknowledge, meta-learning, meta-rules, etc.?
Most of those I know are more than 20 years old (e.g. Lenat Eurisko; I am aware of OpenCyC). I am interested in papers or systems published after 2010 (perhaps AGI papers with actual complex open source software prototypes).
-see also the RefPerSys system-