
Currently, I'm only going through these two books

What other introductory books to reinforcement learning do you know, and how do they approach this topic?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I expect a good answer to provide links to other books but also a brief description of the book and how they treat the subject. $\endgroup$
    – nbro
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 8:28

3 Answers 3


In addition to the ones you mentioned, I would add Algorithms of Reinforcement Learning by Csaba Szepesvári. There is a number of professors who use it as a reference in their RL teaching materials (for example this one).

It generally follows the same outline as Sutton & Barto's book (except the part on bandits, it is included in the Chapter on Control). In fact, it may be considered as a condensed version of Sutton & Barto (about 100 pages). In addition, it's freely available online.

I like the author's justification as to why he wrote this book, so I'm just going to quote it:

Why did I write this book? Good question! There exist a good number of really great books on Reinforcement Learning. So why a new book? I had selfish reasons: I wanted a short book, which nevertheless contained the major ideas underlying state-of-the-art RL algorithms (back in 2010), a discussion of their relative strengths and weaknesses, with hints on what is known (and not known, but would be good to know) about these algorithms.


The (draft) book Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Algorithms, by Sham M. Kakade (who published a natural policy gradient algorithm and other important research) and others, introduces RL in a mathematical/formal way. It seems to me that this is a reliable book, but a bit advanced for "regular people". Yes, I know the question was about introductory books on RL, but this may be suitable for people that have a solid knowledge of math and would like a hardcore intro to RL. For example, the book starts with a non-trivial (in my view) proof that there exists an optimal stationary and deterministic policy for an MDP.


Foundations of Deep Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Practice in Python (Addison-Wesley Data & Analytics Series) 1st Edition

This book does not give a detailed background information on Markov Decision Processes, different Bellman equations and relationships between the value function and action-value function, etc. It focuses on Deep Reinforcement Learning and goes straight to Policy and Value - based algorithms using neural networks. It might be good for someone trying to quickly understand what Deep RL algorithms are out there and apply them.


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