I found a very interesting paper on the internet that tries to apply Bayesian inference with a gradient-free online-learning approach: [Bayesian Perceptron: Bayesian Perceptron: Towards fully Bayesian Neural Networks.
I would love to understand this work, but, unfortunately, I am reaching my limits with my Bayesian knowledge. Let us assume that we have the weights $\mathcal{w}$ of our model and observed the data $\mathcal{D}$. Using the Bayes rule, we obtain the posterior according to $$p(\mathcal{w}|D)=\frac{p(D|\mathcal{w})p(\mathcal{w})}{p(D)}$$.
In words: we update our prior belief over our weights by multiplying the prior with the likelihood and divide everything by the evidence. In order to calculate the true posterior, we would need to calculate the evidence by marginalizing over (intergrating out) our unknown parameters. This gives the integral $$p(D) = \int p(D|\mathbf{w})p(\mathbf{w})dw$$.
So far so good. Now I refer to the paper mentioned above. Here, the approach is presented exemplarily on a neuron whose weighted sum is called $a$, which is then given to the activation function $f(.)$. Moreover it is assumed that $\mathbf{w}\sim N (\mu_w, \mathbf{C}_w)$. Because of the linearity, it can be exploited that also $\mathbf{a}\sim N (\mu_a, \mathbf{C}_a)$.
What I am confused about now is formula (14), which seems to show the compute the true posterior: $$p(w) = \int p(a, w|D_i)da = \int p(w|a, D_i)p(a|D_i)da$$
How is this formula of the posterior compatible with the Bayes Theorem? Where is the evidence, likelihood and prior?