On page 12 of this paper: Mastering Atari, Go, Chess and Shogi by Planning with a Learned Model, it describes how MCTS works for the MuZero algorithm. It states in equation 4 that during the 'backup' after a simulation, the mean value (Q) for every edge in the simulation path is updated by:
$$Q\left(s^{k-1},\ a^k\right){\colon=}\frac{N\left(s^{k-1},\ a^k\right)Q\left(s^{k-1},\ a^k\right)+G^k}{N\left(s^{k-1},\ a^k\right)+1}$$
where $G^k$ is the return from depth $k$ and onwards in the simulation.
However, I don't see how this equation accounts for the immediate reward attained by transitioning from state $s^{k-1}$ to $s^{k}$.
Since $Q\left(s^{k-1},\ a\right)$ is used to determine what action to select from state $s^{k-1}$, shouldn't the backprop use the return from k-1 ($G^{k-1}$), to update the mean value instead of $G^k$?