I'm studying Variational Autoencoders and a lot of the literature says that the posterior is intractable because the marginal distribution p(x) is intractable since the space of z is so large we cannot possibly integrate over it all. So to avoid this they create a lower bound on the log likelihood, the ELBO, which they then try to maximize. The term for the ELBO is:
$$E_q[log~ p(z,x)]-E_q[log~q(z)]$$
What I am trying to understand is how is this now tractable. The expectations in the ELBO are still over the distribution of q. Take the first term for example:
$$E_q[log~ p(z,x)]=\int_{}^{}q(z)~log~p(z,x)dz$$
Is this not still an integral over all z values? How did we make this problem any more tractable by finding the ELBO?
Additional Question: Also another thing I was confused about is we always say the posterior p(z|x) is not computable because we don't have p(x), but how exactly do we have the numerator, p(x,z). $$p(z|x)=\frac{p(x,z)}{p(x)}$$
Is this because we assume a prior, and then also assume that we can model p(x|z) with a decoder?