In section $1.5$ of the book "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction" by Sutton and Barto they use tic-tac-toe as an example of an RL use case. They provide the following temporal difference update rule in that section: $$ V(S_{t}) \leftarrow V(S_t) + \alpha[V(S_{t+1}) - V(S_t)] \tag{1} $$ However, in the chapter on TD methods they state that the "simplest TD method makes the update": $$ V(S_{t}) \leftarrow V(S_t) + \alpha[R_{t+1} + \gamma V(S_{t+1}) - V(S_t)] \tag{2} $$
Does any one have an explanation for where $(1)$ comes from? I can't see it to be equivalent to $(2)$.
I am also wondering if anyone has a way of relating this update rule to dynamic programming. Is this supposed to be some sort of approximation of value iteration when the environments dynamics, $p(s', r | s, a)$, is unknown?