I have some questions on notation in reinforcement learning, since it seems that different papers, books have some different notation. I am writing a thesis and wanted to have the notation consistent. I base my notationon this book, but then a paper like TRPO has some different kind of notation. My first question is the following - some people write $\pi$ under the expectation which means that they sample the trajectory from the policy
$$ \nabla J(\theta) =\mathbb{E}_{\pi}[\sum_{a \in A} \pi(a|S_t)q_{\pi}(S_t,a)\ln\nabla\pi_{\theta}(a|S_t)] = \mathbb{E}_{\pi}[q_{\pi}(S_t,A_t)\ln\nabla\pi_{\theta}(A_t|S_t)] $$
is this the same as the following though, first sampling from the stationary distribution we obtain after running the policy for some long time:
$$ \nabla J(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{S_t\sim d^\pi, A_t\sim\pi(\cdot|S_t)}[q_{\pi}(S_t,A_t)\ln\nabla\pi_{\theta}(A_t|S_t)] $$.
Also can I assume that I can use $A_t$ instead of $A$ in all my theorems/definitions - thus adding the depoendence of $t$? Next question is how terms involving rewards are written down, for example this is from the TRO paper, but for me reward is a random variable actually, while they directly define it as a function:
$$ \eta(\pi) = \mathbb{E}{s_0,a_0,...}\left[\sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \gamma^t r(s_t)\right], \text{ where} s_0 \sim \rho_0(s_0), \quad a_t \sim \pi(a_t|s_t), \quad s_{t+1} \sim P(s_{t+1}|s_t,a_t). $$
Following th conventions of the book I am following this is actually the term
$$ \mathbb{E}_{S_t\sim d^\pi, A_t\sim\pi(\cdot|S_t),R_{t+1}\sim R(A_t, S_t)}[\sum_t \gamma^tR_{t+1}(S_t, A_t)] = \sum_{r_{t+1}\in R} r_{t+1}p(r_{t+1}|s_t,a_t)\sum_{s_t \in S} d^\pi(s_t)\sum_{a_t \in A}\pi(a_t,s_t)\sum_{t}\gamma^tr_{t+1}(s_t,a_t) $$
isn't it?
Also I am often confused about using conditional expectations vs unconditional expectations in RL litereature. Sometimes I feel like it is used interchangably - is there a reason for that? But maybe I am overthinking a lot of this. Can I show mathematically that all of those notations that I presented are really the same?