The long-short term memory (LSTM) is a type of recurrent neural network, which is only suited for sequence modelling, that is, to keep track of statistical dependencies between elements of a sequence.
The LSTM prediction capabilities are limited to the training data that is used to train it, the inductive bias (in the case of LSTMs, the inductive bias particularly refers to the fact that elements of a sequence are dependent on each other) and the available computation resources. However, storytelling often assumes the existence of a common-sense knowledge between the storyteller and the listener (but LSTM completely ignores this) and requires the true understanding of language, which is believed to be an AI-complete problem (in simple words, it is a very complex task, which probably cannot be exactly solved with statistical models).
Furthermore, even though LSTM partially addresses the vanishing gradient problem (and they were specifically created to partially solve this issue), they can still suffer from the exploding gradient problem. Moreover, although LSTMs and, in general, neural networks are universal function approximators, in practice, functions may not be continuous, which is an assumption made in the universal approximation theorems.