TL;DR: You'll need to store a little bit more to perform backward passes. You'll need to store data from the forward pass. This stored information is used for calculating the gradient.
Overview (warning: not trivial)
I know the weights can just be stored in an array
You'll need a little more:
To update the weights you need to keep a "cache" of the forward pass intermediate terms. That is, forward propagation can be seen as a series of transformations on your input $X$:
$$X\xrightarrow{\Theta^{[1]}+b^{[1]}} [ Z^{[1]} \xrightarrow{\alpha^{[1]}} A^{[1]}] \xrightarrow{\Theta^{[2]}+b^{[2]}}
\xrightarrow{\Theta^{[L]}+b^{[L]}} [ Z^{[L]} \xrightarrow{\alpha^{[L]}} A^{[L]}]\xrightarrow{\frac{1}{m}\sum\limits_m\sum\limits_{n_L} loss\{A^{[L]},y\}} J
$Z^{[1]}=\Theta^{[1]}X+b^{[1]}$ (ie the linear part)
$A^{[l]}=\alpha^{[l]}(Z^{[l]})$ (ie element wise activation over linear part)
You need to store the $Z^{[l]}$ & $A^{[l]}$ terms in said "cache." You could store these in an array or some other similar data structure. You need these for calculating the gradient during the backwards pass.
$A^{[k]}$ - this means we are indexing by layer (eg $\alpha^{[k]}$ is the activation for k-th layer)
$m$ - is the number of examples in the batch
$n_k$ - denotes the number of neurons in the k-th layer
$L$ - the number of layers (so $n_L$ is the number of neurons in last layer)
$\Theta$ - The set of all weights (notice no superscript)
In the case of neural networks the cost is a scalar function of inputs and parameters. To get backprop started calculate the scalar by matrix derivative of the cost with respect to the activations of the last layer call this matrix $dA^{[L]}$. Observe:
$dA^{[L]} = \frac{\partial J(\Theta,X)}{\partial A^{[L]}}$
Next, we calculate scalar-by-matrix derivative of $Z^{[L]}$. Doing this one realizes:
$dZ^{[L]} = \frac{\partial J(\Theta,X)}{\partial Z^{[L]}} = dA\odot\alpha'^{[L]}(Z^{[L]})$
Where $\odot$ denotes element wise (Hadamard) product.
With the above one can make use of the matrix definitions for back propagation:
$\text{(A)}\quad d\Theta^{[l]} = \frac{1}{m}dZ^{[l]}\times (A^{[l-1]})^T$
$\text{(B)}\quad db^{[l]} = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{c=1}^m dZ^{[l](c)}$ (where the new superscript in $dZ^{[l](c)}$ denotes summing along the batch dimension )
$\text{(C)} \quad dZ^{[l]}= dA^{[l]}\odot \alpha^{'[l]}(Z^{[l]})$
$\text{(D)}\quad dA^{[k]} = (\Theta^{[k+1]})^T\times dZ^{[k+1]}$
And of course the wight updates are:
$\Theta^{[L]} \leftarrow \Theta^{[L]} - \frac{\eta}{m}d\Theta $
$b^{[L]} \leftarrow b^{[L]} - \frac{\eta}{m}db $
(where $\eta$ is the learning rate)
Observe, how the forward pass terms are used during the backprop calculations.
A recommendation
Take the A. Ng deep learning specialization. He does a good job explaining the intuition and even has a project to implement this. Though, he does not derive the back propagation equations. You can find a not so easy derivation here.