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Suppose there are multiple datasets denoted by $A_i$. Datasets contain a set of Vectors $x_{j} $. Mathematically $A_i = \{ x_j\}_{j=0}^n$. We've to find an estimator function $\hat f$, such that $\hat f( \vec r) = y, \, \vec r \in X$ where $X $ is a special dataset created by combining all $A_i$ which helps in classification into $y \in Y$ which is the set of classes.
As @Amir Mentioned out, linearly separable feature can be easily separated by straight combination of vectors i.e. if $x_u \in A_i, w_v \in A_j \dots$, then $r = [x_1 \,x_2 \, \dots \, x_u \, w_1 \, \dots w_v \dots]$. Where, $r \in X$ which is the required dataset.
There are cases where the features are not linearly separable, We use basis expansion methods[1] to make required shape of hyperplane to separate the features. We create a new dataset combining $A_i \, \forall i \in C \subset \mathbb N$. Suppose that the new dataset is $X$, then $r \in X$ and $r = [r_0, r_1, \dots r_n].$
$$r_1 = u_1^2v_1^2 \\ r_2 = \sin(u_2)\sin(v_2) \\ r_3 = ae^{u_3 + v_3} \\ r_4 = a v_4 v_4 + a_2 u_4^2 v_4^2 + \dots \\ \dots$$
Here $u_p \in A_i; \, v_q \in A_j$
Here you can use all the creativity to set $r = [r_1, r_2, \dots , r_n]$ and make a new dataset. What equations and what functions you chose fully depends on the kind of hyperplane shape you want to obtain. Basis expansion is just one of the methods for feature extraction is certainly one of the most flexible too.
Now, you feed the newly created vectors into your trained estimator functions (which is Neural Net) which can classify things much easily now.
In case of Regression/Classification without Neural Net needs some extra treatment to train the model[2].
[2]Note: There is also a big role of encoding. For example, if you encode colors by numbers $1, 2, 3$ for RGB or $10,01, 11$ fully changes everything and your features too. In such cases, You may even need different equations to make your required dataset $X$ and vectors $r$.
- Oleszak, Michal. https://towardsdatascience.com. Non-linear regression: basis expansion, polynomials & splines. Sep 30, 2019. Web. 6 May 2020.
- Sangarshanan. https://medium.com. Improve your classification models using Mean /Target Encoding. Jun 23, 2018. Web. 6 May 2020.