I have a chromosome where each gene contain s set of values. Like the following:
chromosome = [[A,B,C],[C,B,A],[C,D,],[],[E,F]]
- The order in each gene values matters. (A,B,C is different to A,C,B)
- Each value should not appear more than once in a gene. ([A,B,B] is not desirable, B is repeated.)
In my current two-point crossover method. The genes values that are crossover is the whole set of values. (E.g the whole of [A,B,C] is crossed to another chromosome)
Soon, I realize my population lacks variations very quickly because the values within a gene always remain the same. Hence, my algorithm is evolving very slowly, and limited by the variation of gene values at initialization stage.
What crossover can I implement to cross values within the set as well?
I am pretty new to genetic algorithm. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.