On page 62 of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Psychology Applications, Models (2010), Gabriella Daróczy writes
Psychology is one of the basic sciences of artificial intelligence (AI). The founder of the psychology is Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), who engaged in empirical methods, and was interested in the thinking processes during his scientific work.
Psychology had two main leading schools: behaviourism, and cognitivism.
Behaviourism: Refused the theory of the mental processes, and insisted to study the resulted action or the stimulus strictly objective. The representatives of this theory have been decreasing with time.
Cognitive psychology: The brain is an information processing device. Artificial Intelligence supports also this idea, and the first picture illustrates the information processing model of the brain
How can we connect artificial intelligence with cognitive psychology? Can we integrate psychology into AI?
For example, in the context of human-computer interaction, could we have an AI software/application that makes use of phycology-based ideas/theories?