(The math problem here just serves as an example, my question is on this type of problems in general).
Given two Schur polynomials, $s_\mu$, $s_\nu$, we know that we can decompose their product into a linear combination of other Schur polynomials.
$$s_\mu s_\nu = \sum_\lambda c_{\mu,\nu}^\lambda s_\lambda$$
and we call $c_{\mu,\nu}^\lambda$ the LR coefficient (always an non-negative integer).
Hence, a natural supervised learning problem is to predict whether the LR coefficient is of a certain value or not given the tuple $<\mu, \nu, \lambda>$. This is not difficult.
My question is: can we either use ML/RL to do anything else other than predicting (in this situation) or extract anything from the prediction result? In other words, a statement like "oh, I am 98% confident that this LR coefficient is 0" does not imply anything mathematically interesting?