I have time-series data. When I take an action, it impacts the next state, because my action directly determines the next state, but it is not known what the impact is.
To be concrete: I have $X(t)$ and $a(t-1)$, where $X(t)$ is n-dimensional time-series data and $a(t)$ is 1-dimensional time-series data. At time $t$, they together represent the observation/state space. Also, at time $t$, the agent makes a decision about $a(t)$. This decision (action) $a(t)$ directly defines the next state space $X(t+1)$ and rewards, by some function $f$ & $g$, $f(a(t), X(t)) = X(t+1)$ and $g(a(t), X(t)) = R(t+1)$.
I have to estimate this impact, i.e. where I will end up (what will be the next state). I decided to use a model-based RL algorithm, because, from my knowledge, model-based RL does exactly this.
Can you advise me on a good paper and Github code, to implement this project?
As I noticed, there do not exist many works on Model-based RL.