Let $M$ be an MDP with two states, $A$ and $B$, where $A$ is the starting state, and you always transit to the final state $B$ using two possible actions. $A_1$ gives you rewards that are normally distributed $\mathcal{N}(0, 1)$ and $A_2$ gives you rewards that are normally distributed $\mathcal{N}(0, 3)$.
How many optimal policies do we have? What is the optimal value of the states? Is any policy preferred over the other? Why? If you prefer one over the other, is there some way to detect it using what we have studied?
In my view, there are infinite policies that give the same expected reward.
$\pi_\alpha$ be a policy that is stochastic, which maps as follows - $\pi_\alpha(s, A_1) = \alpha $ and $ \pi_\alpha (s, A_2) = 1 - \alpha$ for $ \alpha \in [0,1]$. It is clear that, for each $\alpha$, we get infinite policies but have the same expected return.
But, according to some google searches (for example, here it says optimal policies are generally deterministic), I found optimal policies are always deterministic. Hence this implies there are only 2 policies, i.e., either take action $A_1$ or $A_2$ but not probabilistic.
So, my doubt is: what are the optimal policies here? Is it deterministic (only 2 policies) or stochastic (infinite)? Or is it an assumption that optimal policies are deterministic?