It should be noted that the selection of $\alpha$ is a classic problem in stochastic approximation, rather than a specific problem in RL. Once you know this it will be clear.
What is stochastic approximation? As its name suggests, it is a method that uses data to approximate (typically) expectations. For example, suppose
where $X$ is a random variable. If we have some iid samples of $X$ as $\{x_i\}$, then we can estimate $w$ by
w_{k+1}=w_k-a _k(w_k-x_k).
Here, you note that $a _k$ is time-varying instead of a constant. In fact, in order to ensure the (almost surely) convergence of $w_k$, a necessary condition is
\sum_k a _k&=\infty\\
\sum_k a_k^2&<\infty
Why such a condition is required? A rigorous proof can be found in Robbins-Monro Algorithm. Here, I merely show some intuition why it is necessary.
- First, $\sum_{k=1}^\infty a_k=\infty$ says that have $a_k$ should be sufficiently large in order to counter arbitrary initial conditions. In particular, the mathematically reasoning is as follows: hypothetically if $\sum_{k=1}^\infty a_k<\infty$, and also $\delta_k\doteq w_k-x_k$ is bounded, we have $\sum_{k=1}^\infty a_k \delta_k<\infty$. As a result, the difference between $w_\infty$ and $w_1$ is bounded. If the initial condition is very far from the solution, then it is not able to converge to the true solution.
- Secondly, the condition of $\sum_k a _k^2<\infty$ says that $a_k$ should converge to zero. In particular, mathematically, the difference between $w_k$ and $w_{k+1}$is $a_k\delta_k$. If $a_k$ does not go to zero, then $w_k$ and $w_{k+1}$ will still fluctuate significantly after when $k$ is very large.
Of course, if $a_k=\alpha$ is constant, then $\sum_k a _k^2<\infty$ is not satisfied.
Now, let's come back to the TD algorithm. In fact, it can be viewed as a stochastic approximation algorithm. In particular, recall that the Bellman equation is
v_\pi(s)=\mathbb{E}[R+\gamma v_\pi(S')|s],\quad \forall s
If we write $X\doteq R+\gamma v_\pi(S')$, then it becomes $v_\pi(s)=\mathbb{E}[X|s]$, which is very similar to the case of $w=\mathbb{E}[X]$. Hence, the stochastic approximation algorithm solve such a equation using data is
&=v_t(s_t)-a _t(s_t)[v_t(s_t)-(r_t+\gamma v_t(s_{t+1}))],\qquad t=1,2,\dots
Now, you may see how TD is obtained and why the step size should be $a _t(s_t)$ instead of a constant.