You do not backpropagate with respect to $\epsilon$, which is the random sample or random variable (depending on how you look at it). You backpropagate with respect to the mean $\mu$ and variance $\sigma$ of the latent Gaussian (the variational distribution). Note that, although $z$ is a random sample (and not just a sample), because it's computed as a function of $\epsilon$ (a random sample, once it's sampled from e.g. $\mathcal{N}(0, 1)$), $\mu$ and $\sigma$ are not: these are learnable parameters and are deterministic.
Having said this, note that we use the reparametrization trick in the VAE, so we compute the random sample as $z = g_\phi(\epsilon, x))$, where $g_\phi$ is a deterministic function (encoder) parametrized by $\phi$ (the weights of the neural network that represents the encoder). In case the random variable $z \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2)$, then we can express the random variable (so also the random sample) as follows $z=g_\phi(\epsilon, x)) = \mu+\sigma \epsilon$. So, as you can see from the code, we sample $\epsilon$ from some prior $p(\epsilon)$ (e.g. $\mathcal{N}(0, 1)$), then we compute $z$ deterministically.
Why is this reparametrization trick useful? The authors of the VAE paper explain it.
This reparameterization is useful for our case since it can be used to rewrite an expectation w.r.t $q_{\phi}(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{x})$ such that the Monte Carlo estimate of the expectation is differentiable w.r.t. $\phi$. A proof is as follows. Given the deterministic mapping $\mathbf{z}=g_{\phi}(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}, \mathbf{x})$ we know that $q_{\phi}(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{x}) \prod_{i} d z_{i}=$ $p(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}) \prod_{i} d \epsilon_{i}$. Therefore $^{1}, \int q_{\boldsymbol{\phi}}(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{x}) f(\mathbf{z}) d \mathbf{z}=\int p(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}) f(\mathbf{z}) d \boldsymbol{\epsilon}=\int p(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}) f\left(g_{\boldsymbol{\phi}}(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}, \mathbf{x})\right) d \boldsymbol{\epsilon}$. It follows that a differentiable estimator can be constructed: $\int q_{\phi}(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{x}) f(\mathbf{z}) d \mathbf{z} \simeq \frac{1}{L} \sum_{l=1}^{L} f\left(g_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{x}, \boldsymbol{\epsilon}^{(l)}\right)\right)$ where $\boldsymbol{\epsilon}^{(l)} \sim p(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}).$
Note that $\mathbb{E}_{q_{\boldsymbol{\phi}}(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{x})} \left[ f(\mathbf{z}) \right] = \int q_{\boldsymbol{\phi}}(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{x}) f(\mathbf{z}) d \mathbf{z} = \int p(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}) f\left(g_{\boldsymbol{\phi}}(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}, \mathbf{x})\right) d \boldsymbol{\epsilon} = \mathbb{E}_{p(\boldsymbol{\epsilon})} \left[ f\left(g_{\boldsymbol{\phi}}(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}, \mathbf{x})\right) \right]$, which can be estimated with $\frac{1}{L} \sum_{l=1}^{L} f\left(g_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{x}, \boldsymbol{\epsilon}^{(l)}\right)\right)$ where $\boldsymbol{\epsilon}^{(l)} \sim p(\boldsymbol{\epsilon})$. In other words, you can sample $L$ $z$ in the way we did in order to estimate $\mathbb{E}_{\color{blue}{q_{\boldsymbol{\phi}}(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{x})}} \left[ \color{red}{f(\mathbf{z})} \right]$ (this are Monte Carlo estimates of the expectation).
In the case of the VAE, we want to optimize the ELBO, which is the following objective function
$$\mathcal{L}\left(\boldsymbol{\theta}, \boldsymbol{\phi} ; \mathbf{x}^{(i)}\right)=\underbrace{-D_{K L}\left(q_{\boldsymbol{\phi}}\left(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{x}^{(i)}\right) \| p_{\boldsymbol{\theta}}(\mathbf{z})\right)}_{\text{KL divergence}}+ \underbrace{\mathbb{E}_{\color{blue}{q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{x}^{(i)}\right)}}\left[\color{red}{\log p_{\boldsymbol{\theta}}\left(\mathbf{x}^{(i)} \mid \mathbf{z}\right)}\right]}_{\text{likelihood}}$$
which we can estimate with Monte Carlo estimates of the second term (the likelihood term)
\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}^{B}\left(\boldsymbol{\theta}, \boldsymbol{\phi} ; \mathbf{x}^{(i)}\right)=-D_{K L}\left(q_{\boldsymbol{\phi}}\left(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{x}^{(i)}\right) \| p_{\boldsymbol{\theta}}(\mathbf{z})\right)+ \underbrace{\frac{1}{L} \sum_{l=1}^{L}\left(\log p_{\boldsymbol{\theta}}\left(\mathbf{x}^{(i)} \mid \mathbf{z}^{(i, l)}\right)\right)}_{\text{likelihood}}
where $$
\text { where } \quad \mathbf{z}^{(i, l)}=g_{\phi}\left(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}^{(i, l)}, \mathbf{x}^{(i)}\right) \text { and } \boldsymbol{\epsilon}^{(l)} \sim p(\boldsymbol{\epsilon})
Here, the likelihood is computed with the neural network, for example, in practice, you use the cross-entropy of the output of your decoder, which gets as input the input to the decoder, hence $z$.
You can ignore the KL divergence now because, in the case of Gaussians, it can be computed analytically.
Now, what if we didn't use the reparametrization trick? Could we still backpropagate with respect to $\phi$? The authors of the VAE write
The usual (naïve) Monte Carlo gradient estimator for this type of problem is: $\nabla_{\phi} \mathbb{E}_{q_{\phi}(\mathbf{z})}[f(\mathbf{z})]=\mathbb{E}_{q_{\phi}(\mathbf{z})}\left[f(\mathbf{z}) \nabla_{q_{\phi}(\mathbf{z})} \log q_{\phi}(\mathbf{z})\right] \simeq \frac{1}{L} \sum_{l=1}^{L} f(\mathbf{z}) \nabla_{q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z}^{(l)}\right)} \log q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z}^{(l)}\right)$ where $\mathbf{z}^{(l)} \sim q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{x}^{(i)}\right) .$ This gradient estimator exhibits exhibits very high variance (see e.g. [BJP12])
So, the answer is yes, as opposed to what many people might say around, but with another estimator (which may remind you of some equations you have seen in reinforcement learning related to REINFORCE, if you are familiar with this), i.e. $$\frac{1}{L} \sum_{l=1}^{L} f(\mathbf{z}) \nabla_{q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z}^{(l)}\right)} \log q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z}^{(l)}\right) \tag{1}\label{1},$$ which has high variance.
So, in the end, the reparametrization trick can be viewed as a variance reduction technique. There are others, like control variates or Flipout (used e.g. in the context of Bayesian neural networks).
The first thing to note about \ref{1} is that we do not need to take the derivative with respect to $f$. The second thing is that $\nabla_{q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z}^{(l)}\right)} \log q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z}^{(l)}\right)$ is the score function.
Now, don't ask me how to calculate this gradient $\nabla_{q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z}^{(l)}\right)} \log q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z}^{(l)}\right)$ (because I am bad at math). However, note that $
\mathbf{z}^{(l)} \sim q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{x}^{(i)}\right)
$, so we treat $\mathbf{z}^{(l)}$ as a fixed random sample. By the way, I am not sure whether they used $q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{x}^{(i)}\right)$ differently from $q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z} \right)$. I don't think so. I think they are the same and I think we can still back-propagate with respect to $\phi$, even if we use it to sample $\mathbf{z}^{(i)}$, because, once this latter is sampled, it can be treated as fixed (random) sample.
I also note that I think they meant $\frac{1}{L} \sum_{l=1}^{L} f(\mathbf{z}^{(l)}) \nabla_{q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z}^{(l)}\right)} \log q_{\phi}\left(\mathbf{z}^{(l)}\right)$, i.e. they forget to use $\mathbf{z}^{(l)}$ rather than just $\mathbf{z}$ as input for $f$ in the Monte Carto estimate. You can see in section 3 of [BJP12] and section 4.2. of [1] they do it like this, and it makes sense. So, the VAE paper has sloppy stuff in there.
My intuition of why this has high variance is because you sample something according to the variational distribution, but then you update this variational distribution, and you continuously do this. However, I am not sure this is the right intuition. In [BJP12], they say (in section 4) this MC estimate has high variance and that you need a lot of samples $\mathbf{x}$. I don't know exactly why this is the case because I didn't fully read this paper yet.