I want to program and train a voice cloner, in part to learn about this area of AI, and in part to use as a prototype of audio for testing and getting feedback from early adopters before recording in a studio with voice actors. For the prototype, I have a set of recordings from voice actors. I would like to record my voice, in English or other languages, then run a neural network and produce an audio with the same text, intonation and emotion but with roughly the actors' voices. It doesn't need to be perfect; 80% right and believable would be enough to get good feedback and reach a final version of the script before recording. I have 30 minutes to one hour of utterances from each voice I want to clone.
The closest I have found is Resemble.ai, which has an impressive video, but the public plan is only in English and other languages are prohibitively expensive. The engineer published a masters' thesis as an open-source project, but this project does only text-to-speech, not speech-to-speech. Another startup is play.ht, but again it seems to be English-only.
This open source project seems to do what I want, cloning Kate Winslet's voice, but it has no installation instructions and so I haven't tried yet.
Can you recommend an open-source project, ideally in Python and Tensorflow, to roughly replace a voice with another?
Note: This question is similar to What is the State-of-the-Art open source Voice Cloning tool right now? , except that that question is old and the project mentioned only does text-to-speech, not speech-to-speech.