I've been working on a project (Android Game), in which the player has to confront with some obstacles/enemies whom he has to destroy. So, is there a way in which we can monitor how the user of the game plays and accordingly to generate (and timely updating) that trained model, which can be used later in the game to make the user think of a different way to defeat an enemy unlike going in the same streamline flow which he has followed till now.
I've implemented Q-Learning and Genetic algorithms on the PC, to make the Game AI for some games like 'tetris' to make the computer play on it's own. But, haven't done it in Android till now.
Already searched: I've also referred to some websites in which they suggested using Neural Networks to encounter the same.
But, I'm unable to get an accurate procedure in which this can be done. Please suggest me a way in which I can monitor the user's input on how he plays.
Thank you.