I am not asking why using a Target Network is useful (this was very well explained here), but rather if using this "inversed" target network is equivalent:
$\left(r_t + \max_aQ(s_{t+1},a;\theta) - Q(s_t,a_t; \theta^-)\right)^2$ were $\theta^-$ is some old version of the parameters that gets updated every $C \in \mathbb{N}$ updates, and the Q-Network with these parameters is the target network.
Basically I'm only updating the one used to determine the expected q value at next iteration instead of only updating the one used to determine the best action. And the one I'm not updating gets updated each $C$ iteration.
Both seem to converge in my MREs but probably because the environment I'm in is "too simple" to see the benefits of a Target Network.