I'm sorry this is such an elementary question because I'm an AI beginner.
In this link, it says
One thing that is commonly done in computer vision is to take a model trained on a very large dataset, run it on your own, smaller dataset, and extract the intermediate representations (features) that the model generates. These representations are frequently informative for your own computer vision task, even though the task may be quite different from the problem that the original model was trained on.
There are few things I think I need to understand to grasp this, but I have had trouble finding appropriate information to understand them.
It's not clear to me what the "features" represent for "features extracted via Inception v3". I'm pretty new to the idea of feature extraction in itself, but it almost seems like a "feature" can be anything you define it to be. For example, in this article, the features are simply the RGB values of each pixel. But for Inception v3, I'm having trouble finding what the features represent.
What does it mean to "extract the intermediate representation"? So if you have your own smaller dataset, does it mean it's getting the features from that dataset (such as RGB of each pixel)? Or does it mean that Inception v3 creates new images and then extracts features from them? What kind of rules are used to generate these new images? Why would we use these new images for classification rather than only using your dataset?