How to expand reconstruction error to mean squared error when it is $\mathbb{E}_{z\sim q_{\phi}(z|x)}[\log p_\theta(x|z)]$?
[reconstruction error]
$\mathbb{E}_{z\sim q_{\phi}(z|x)}[\log p_\theta(x|z)]$
[mean square error]
$\mathbb{E} \Big [\big(x - p_\theta(q_\phi(x))\big)^2 \Big]$
[MSE pseudo code]
def reconstruction_loss(y, t):
# MSE y:predicted value
# t:true value
return square(y - t).mean()
Is the reconstruction error just an idea and is actual formula the MSE? Is that all?
I mean, why does MSE (or BCE) comes from reconstruction error?