Consider a 4x4 grid world problem where the goal is to reach either the top left or bottom right corner. The agent can choose from four actions up,down,left,right which deterministically cause the corresponding state transitions, except that actions that would take the agent off the grid leave the state unchanged. We model this as an undiscounted,episodic task where the reward is -1 for all transitions. Suppose that the agent follows equi-probable random policy. Calculate the state values where * is placed.(Hint: Bellman expectation equation)
Grid(list of rows):
[ 0, *,-20,-22],
[-14,-18,-20, *],
[ ,-20,-18,-14],
[-22,-20, , 0]
Should the * be initialized as 0 and then calculated using the equation?
, so you could correctly assume the problem is symmetrical and simply copy them :-) $\endgroup$