No. Ensemble Learning (EL) is a way to improve the model performance, which usually means to reduce bias (i.e., get a better model class) or reduce variance (i.e., get better at generalizing across samplings of the dataset.)
Moreover, in EL you need to ensure a "property" (I'll explain in a bit) among the learners (i.e., the models in the ensemble.), which also defines the kind of EL:
- In boosting we need the learners to be correlated (this is the property I was referring to) to each other to effectively reduce the bias.
- Conversely, in bagging we need the models to do independent errors otherwise we can't reduce variance by averaging them out.
In your case you're chaining two models, thus not combining/aggregating their predictions. When you chain one or more models you have to consider that each model made an error, say $e$, and that each time you chain the next model would receive an input (which is the output of the previous model) that already incurs an error $e$, therefore predicting an output associated to an even higher error, say $e'$ with $e'>e$. Usually it happens that the whole error, say $E=e+e'+\cdots$, behaves like the sum of individual errors which can even grow quite easily, making your own pipeline drift away quite easily.
A way to mitigate this issue, is to train the whole pipeline of models in an end-to-end fashion (i.e., you back-propagate the error through all the models), instead of training each model in isolation until the local optimal is reached.