The original question has been updated so my answer is being updated to reflect this.
The question being asked can be boiled down to just "What is it that makes something a generative AI?" I am quite familiar in my field of computer vision with Generative Adversarial Networks, but I believe after looking at Large Language Models that they operate on a similar principle. I will go over both of these.
Generative Adversarial Networks
First I will go over the GAN which I know well, though I have not implemented one in almost 8 years. In a GAN, you have 2 machine learning models, one is generative, and one is not. There is a non-generative model called the discriminator who's job is to determine if an image belongs in the dataset or not. Then you have the generative model who is considered an attacker or adversary, who is there to try to fool the discriminator, by producing an image that the discriminator thinks belongs to the dataset, but it does not.
During training we cycle between training the discriminator on the dataset until it cannot be fooled. Then we train the adversary until it can fool the discriminator. Then we add the adversary's images to the dataset and go back to the start again. We continue this process until the discriminator can no longer be trained to tell the difference any more, and the adversary wins. Now the GAN is complete and we discard the discriminator.
The GAN can be altered to have an input parameter where you can select a class, and it will attempt to create an output of that class to fool the discriminator with that class. This is an optional feature, but something many GANs try to implement.
LLMs on the other hand looks to only have one model. If you dig into it though, you will find out there really is 2!.
Creating LLM Vector Stores
The Vector store is a model too! It is a generative model that provides an output to the final model that interprets the output. So you have a model that is trained on a large language database, and a vector store that is trained to output segments of words similar to the input it is given. Both the input you give and the input the vector store outputs is given to the regular model, and it takes that and provides an output to you.
So mechanically, what ties these two types of generative AI together? How can we create a mechanical definition? You have a normal network, either a discriminator, or interpreter, and then you apply to it a generative network, either a adversary or tokenizer(?) respectively during training. When you are done, either you keep them together in the latter case, or you discard the discriminator and publish the adversary in the former case, and you have a generative AI.
For older translation models, they likely did not have the processing power, or technology available to perform these kinds of tasks. This is a relatively new field. They would not have been able to be generative AI. They at most would be comprised of one model during both training and publishing.
Old answer continues below:
> [arXiv:2307.15208][4] states "Generative AI refers to a set of
artificial intelligence techniques and models designed to learn the underlying
patterns and structure of a dataset and generate new data points that plausibly
could be part of the original dataset."
Considering this, what we see is that a generative AI differs from a traditional AI in that it creates new information where none was before. A traditional AI might detect which paintings belong to Raphael, while a generative AI might try to create a new painting in Raphael's style.
I think your misconception here is that all neural network AIs produce information of some kind, but they do not produce new information. The information was already there in the input in some form in a traditional AI.
- The location of the dog was in the picture already, the neural network just pointed to it and said, "Here it is."
- The tune matched a Metallica song in a database already, the neural network just correctly identified it.
- The information was already encoded in a foreign language, the neural network just decoded the information and then reencoded it into a new language of your choice.
Now if the model had instead read the foreign language, decoded the information, and used it as a prompt to write a novel in the language of your choice, the contents of which included new information never before seen in that input, now we are talking about generative AI. This is in fact what they do.
A lot of the media talks about how chat GPT can hallucinate it's answers when you ask it straight forward questions, but the truth is, it is generative AI. It is giving you answers that could have conceivably been in the answer set. They just aren't. This is what some experts mean by it hallucinating up new answers. It's pulling them out of the void like a generative AI is supposed to do. It just isn't what the average person expects this type of program to do.
In short, what the difference between a traditional AI and a generative AI is that a traditional AI learns a dataset, and tries to tell you something about the input with respect to the dataset. The generative AI takes the input and tries to produce something similar that it thinks would be from the same grouping in what it believes the dataset should be.