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Questions tagged [ai-design]

For questions related to the design of AI agents, algorithms, or models. If your question is about designing neural networks, reward functions, or fitness functions, you can use the associated more specific tags "neural-network-design", "reward-design" and "fitness-design", respectively.

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0 votes
1 answer

How to do early classification of time series event with small dataset?

I would like to build a real-time binary classifier that can predict an event of interest that is occurring as soon as it starts. These are electromyographic signals, and the event classification ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to design a recommendation system for shift swapping?

I need to design an algorithm such that it handles the request for shift swapping. The algorithm will recommend a list of people who are more likely to swap that shift with the person by analyzing ...
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1 answer

Advanced / Complex Neural Network (System) Design

In addition to basic forward networks, many books cover other basic network designs like CNN's and RNN's. However, they don't really go any further than that, explaining things like common approaches ...
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1 answer

Should I use reinforcement learning to automate the throw of a ball in a Pokemon game?

I am trying to automate the throw of a ball in a game in order to get "Excellent Throw". To achieve an "Excellent" throw, you need to hit the center of the shrinking target circle ...
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1 answer

Representing scalars as vectors for the network output

In the MuZero Paper in the Appendix F they explain that they represent values and rewards as vectors. This means that the neural networks don't output the scalars directly, instead, they output a ...
3 votes
3 answers

Which online machine learning technique to use for multi-class classification problem with multiple inputs?

I have the following problem. We have $4$ separate discrete inputs, which can take any integer value between $-63$ and $63$. The output is also supposed to be a discrete value between $-63$ and $63$. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Seeking AI Tool or Model for Realistic Car Background Replacement

I’m currently working on a project where I need to replace the background of car photos in a highly realistic manner. The goal is to take a car photo, automatically cut out the car, and place it into ...
0 votes
1 answer

Cross Validation and hyperparameter selection correct procedure

I am trying to run a regression supervised learning problem. The dataset is not very large and I wanted to do some cross-validation to avoid overfitting. As I have read it's important to do a ...
2 votes
1 answer

RAG Pdf chunking and Vector Embeding

I am new RAG Application. Currently I am working in a RAG application where I have to do Ingestion of PDF invoice document and have to fill-up some date from JSON structure and store in NOSQL DB. My ...
0 votes
1 answer

Using AI to search for references in a dataset

I'm a long-time programmer just starting to look at AI so I'm not even sure what I need to ask or search on. All examples I'm finding out there on Onnx seem to be dealing with images. What I'd like ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to implement RAM versions of Atari games

I have coded the breakout RAM version, but, unfortunately, its highest reward was 5. I trained it for about 2 hours and never reached a higher score. The code is huge, so I can't paste here, but, in ...
1 vote
1 answer

Which model can I use for this problem with multiple inputs and outputs?

Which model is the most appropriate for this problem with multiple inputs and outputs? The data set is A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, B1, B2, B3, B4 where ...
0 votes
1 answer

Application of AI for chat-rooms to process data

I have a software that is designed for students to have chat rooms with their classmates, and I want to process the datas being exchanged in the chat-rooms using AI model. The issue is, I don't know ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to choose the right size LLM for inference to balance latency and accuracy, among several LLMs from 3B through 140B?

I have multiple instances of a same LLM architecture in different sizes from 3B through 72B. I want to build a system that simple questions will be sent to smaller models, and hard questions to bigger ...
1 vote
1 answer

Where would If my goal was to do OCR pdf text extraction on 1000s of PDFs I have?

So I have lots of data (pdfs) that I want to train an AI model to extract info from. All of them are a little different but have the same key data points. Is it possible to train an AI on the pdfs I ...
8 votes
2 answers

How can I solve the zero subset sum problem with hill climbing?

I want to solve the zero subset sum problem with the hill-climbing algorithm, but I am not sure I found a good state space for this. Here is the problem: consider we have a set of numbers and we want ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to train a model to predict the number of people at a certain bus stop before they cumulate in large numbers?

Each person probably uses an app that tracks his/her position periodically and sends it to our servers. What I want is to use these data to train a model to predict the rush hours of each bus-stop on ...
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0 answers

Navigating the Tightrope: Balancing AI Security and Data Privacy Amidst Data Poisoning

As artificial intelligence systems grapple with data poisoning, how can a balance be struck between security measures to combat such attacks and preserving data privacy and user freedom?
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0 answers

How to train continuous probability distributions as output from a neural network?

I'm training time series models on numerical forecasting, and I'm seeing inherent difficulty in modeling the uncertainty of the values. Time series forecasting generally has a pattern of uncertainty ...
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0 answers

What type of AI model should I use to generate practice questions?

I have a set of multiple choice English questions, and I wanted to use AI to generate more questions to quiz myself with. I know there are platforms online to accomplish this, but I wanted to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why are the generator and discriminator designed differently in this example?

Why are the generator and discriminator designed differently in the example My First GAN of the coursera course: Build Basic Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)? Why didn't we use the same set of ...
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1 answer

Rebuild Tiktok Manga/Anime AI model

I have a task to build the Tiktok Manga/Anime AI model or the Anime AI model like Snap Edit application. I have researched and collected several models on Github, but they still are not good enough, ...
2 votes
1 answer

Should I use RL for this allocation problem and, if yes, which RL approach?

I want to use RL to solve the problem of Unit Allocation. SETTING: So for example in a game you can use units of type A and units of type B and you know that your opposing player has units of type C ...
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0 answers

How to estimate the weight of quarry material in a pile

A quarry wants to know the weight of materials they extract from the quarry. I was thinking they could use some computer vision to estimate the weight based on a 3D generated model of the quarry ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to translate sudoku XV boards in CNF format?

I'm trying to implement the logic for a Sudoku XV puzzle, that it's essentially a standard sudoku with the addition of X and V markers between some pairs of squares. X markers in adjacent pairs ...
0 votes
2 answers

Do people realize that AI can't produce new results? [closed]

I read a good article about how AI raises the performance of low performing employees generally while not helping high performers as much. So employers might hire people with less experience, pay high ...
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1 answer

Which RL algorithms can be used in an environment where actions have to be performed only in specific situations?

I am wondering which RL algorithms can be used in an environment where actions have to be performed only in specific situations. For example, on a conveyor belt on which a box that fulfills certain ...
0 votes
0 answers

Using multi-dimensional rewards to prevent intermediary reward bias

I came up with a new type of reward scheme to avoid intermediary reward bias and am unable to find any literature references to it. My questions are Is this novel? Is this useful? The approach is as ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is there a state-based approach to neural networks?

It occurred to me that neural networks operate like straight-line programs: an input is processed once by the layers, and an output is always immediately formed, in the same amount of time for each ...
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0 answers

Symbolic AI in the medical field, specifically in diagnosing a patients condition. Have i understood the concept behind how it works?

This scenario should demonstrate just how the system along with the rule works in a medical diagnosis where the symptoms of the patient are evaluated by the system to determine what condition he/she ...
3 votes
1 answer

Regression loss conditioned by the ground-truth values

I'm working on a regression problem with a CNN in which the input is a single image, and the output is an angle in degrees (which determines a specific measure related to the image). Sometimes, the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Do "procedurally generated" images use a set of base images to generate new images (as AI generated images do)?

I am new here, and apologize if this question is off-topic. I know that AI generated images are based on a set or database of real images created by real artists. In game development, I have heard of ...
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1 answer

Which algorithm do I need to use to calculate the error?

I am building a neural network for a AI whose goal is to learn to implement the XOR logical function.I have this code so far: ...
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0 answers

How to differentiate fuzzy matching from artificial intelligence [duplicate]

I am curious about the term "fuzzy matching," and whether it falls under the category of artificial intelligence. Specifically, when can we say that a website or system is using AI, and when ...
1 vote
1 answer

Approximate the chance of a number is prime using neural network

How to create a model that can give an output with a range of 0 to 1 with a sigmoid activation function where the value closer to 0 means the lesser chance that the input number is not prime and the ...
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0 answers

Cooperation between pattern recognition and neural networks for better design of AI

I continue to try to understand how a human brain works and how we can use it to set up AI which would copy the behavior of a actual person. A few days ago I uploaded a question where I described a ...
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0 answers

RNN - Time To Stop extimation given non-categorical events sequence

I have a dataset which contains sequences of event of the following type: Timestamp_s Timestamp_e Event_type I've preprocessed the data to create sequences of the shape [seq_size, unique_codes_count]...
-1 votes
1 answer

Hardware for EdgeML/EmbeddedML [closed]

I want to learn more about EdgeAI or EmbeddedML, whatever term you like best. I played with an Arduino Nano, running some of the tutorial projects (motion detection), but I don't think it is up to ...
3 votes
4 answers

What type of AI would you recommend for this complex problem?

I'm trying to develop a kind of AI that will assist in debugging a large software system while we run test cases on it. The AI can get access to anything that the developers of the system can, namely ...
10 votes
2 answers

Is Nassim Taleb right about AI not being able to accurately predict certain types of distributions?

So Taleb has two heuristics to generally describe data distributions. One is Mediocristan, which basically means things that are on a Gaussian distribution such as height and/or weight of people. The ...
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0 answers

Is regression method the best for my case?

newbie here. I'm starting to work on a custom model for a very specific task, so I found no pre-trained models for this task so far. After checking (un)supervised learning approaches I believe that ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to approach abstract art image AI captioning [closed]

I tried sachin/vit2distilgpt2 to caption an abstract image I have, and it seemed to output a blank string for the caption. I'm new to this, but my goal is to ...
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1 answer

can GPU crypto mining rigs be converted to train or run AI? [closed]

SHORT VERSION: "I've got a bunch of GPU mining rigs, surely I can do something useful with them like train my own AI or provide hashing power to astronomy or genome folding operations?" TLDR:...
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0 answers

Can AI be used for submarine detection?

Recently a lot of work has been done in connection to using AI in the search for extraterestrial life, the SETI project. Could the same methodology be used by the military, in order to detect ...
3 votes
1 answer

Has anyone tried to train a GPT model predicting the next N tokens instead of the next one token?

I have been thinking about how learning via text works on humans: we read words, and often we need to read ahead a few words to understand more clearly the ideas that we read before. Most of the time, ...
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1 answer

I understand a neural network is a program, or something similar, but what exactly does it look like while it's learning?

I'm currently working on a novel which has a neural network at its center, and I'm no expert in programming. This might be the wrong place to ask, but I was curious what it looks like if you're ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there an AI tool to reverse engineer scanned data to obtain its CAD file?

Today, if you scan an object and want its CAD file (Solidworks/Autocad), you need to use reverse engineering software (Geomagic). This takes time and you need experience of the software tools. Is ...
4 votes
3 answers

Will we be able to build an artificial intelligence that feels empathy?

Nowadays, robots or artificial agents often only perform the specific task they have been programmed to do. Will we be able to build an artificial intelligence that feels empathy, that understands ...
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1 answer

Do different architectures really make a difference or is it just a matter of the training process?

I was wondering which influence different architectures for deep learning truly have on the performance. Of course, substantial changes in the paradigms we use when building neural networks (such as ...
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1 answer

Causal Inference: Understanding the impact of an intervention

I'm trying to create a pipeline for a very common business scenerio. I want to see whats the impact of an intervention on an outcome. For example I want to know if I send a marketing email (...

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