Questions tagged [bayesian-neural-networks]

For questions related to Bayesian neural networks, which are artificial neural networks that incorporate uncertainty in their parameters.

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How should the neural network deal with unexpected inputs?

I recently wrote an application using a deep learning model designed to classify inputs. There are plenty of examples of this using images of irises, cats, and other objects. If I trained a data ...
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Today's Practicality of Bayesian Neural Networks

Just having heard lately about BNNs (wow, ANNs and CNNs are clear; now there's a B? What's that? Ahh, Bayesian ;-)) and quickly getting their main idea and focus, that is, weights not being pure ...
Mathy's user avatar
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Bayesian Perceptron: Why to marginalize over neuron's output instead of it's weights?

I found a very interesting paper on the internet that tries to apply Bayesian inference with a gradient-free online-learning approach: Bayesian Perceptron: Towards fully Bayesian Neural Networks. I ...
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