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What is the loss function used when pre-training BERT on MLM & NSP tasks?

I'm new to NLP and was reading through the 2019 BERT paper and am confused about the loss function used during pre-training. As I understand it, the model is trained on the MLM and NSP tasks. The MLM ...
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What is MLM & NSP loss function

Two objective functions are used during the BERT language model pretraining step. The first one is masked language model (MLM) that randomly masks 15% of the input tokens and the objective is to ...
XYZ's user avatar
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Left-to-Right vs Encoder-decoder Models

Xu et al. (2022) distinguishes between popular pre-training methods for language modeling: (see Section 2.1 PRETRAINING METHODS) Left-to-Right: Auto-regressive, Left-to-right models, predict the ...
keyboardAnt's user avatar
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Understanding how the loss was calculated for the SQuAD task in BERT paper

In the BERT paper, section 4.2 covers the SQuAD training. From my understanding, there are two extra parameters trained, they are two vectors with the same dimension as the hidden size, so the same ...
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