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Questions tagged [calculus]

For questions related to calculus (developed, among others, by Newton and Leibniz), in the context of AI (and, in particular, machine learning).

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Best calculus books for Deep Learning

Recommend some calculus books for Deep Learning and neural networks. I know what is integration, differentiation, derivates, limits on a based level. I would like to understand on deep level the ...
Dan Il's user avatar
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Is there any wrong in my focal loss derivation?

Assume $\mathbf{X} \in R^{N, C}$ is the input of the softmax $\mathbf{P} \in R^{N, C}$, where $N$ is number of examples and $C$ is number of classes: $$\mathbf{p}_i = \left[ \frac{e^{x_{ik}}}{\sum_{j=...
Giang Tran's user avatar
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Is Gradient Descent algorithm a part of Calculus of Variations?

As in The calculus of variations is a field of mathematical analysis that uses variations, which are small changes in functions and ...
Dan D.'s user avatar
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BlackOut - ICLR 2016: need help understanding the cost function derivative

In the ICLR 2016 paper BlackOut: Speeding up Recurrent Neural Network Language Models with very Large Vocabularies, on page 3, for eq. 4: $$ J_{ml}^s(\theta) = log \ p_{\theta}(w_i | s) $$ They have ...
anurag's user avatar
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For the generalised delta rule in back-propogation, do you subtract the target from the obtained output, or vice versa?

When I look up the generalised delta rule equation for back-propogation, I am seeing two conflicting equations. For example, here (slide 20), given $o$ (the output, defined in slide 18), $z$ (the ...
Slowat_Kela's user avatar
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Neural networks with a continuous function as the input

I am rethinking image recognition algorithms, and want to use an idea I saw in a 3Blue1Brown video: The basic idea is to map pixels on an image to a specific frequency—every point is distinct—and if ...
Ank i zle's user avatar
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Is my calculation of the partial derivative of the cost function with respect to a single weight in the first layer correct?

I'm trying to understand the chain rule of backpropagation. This is what I understood. Is it correct? $$ \frac{\partial E }{ \partial w} = \sum_{i} \frac{\partial E }{ \partial a_i^{(l)} } (\sum_{j} \...
Mylisteofanime nexv's user avatar
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How the vector-space isomorphism between $\mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$ and $\mathbb{R}^{mn}$ guarantees reshaping matrices to vectors?

Consider the following paragraph from section 5.4 Gradients fo Matrices of the chapter Vector Calculus from the textbook titled Mathematics for Machine Learning by Marc Peter Deisenroth et al. Since ...
hanugm's user avatar
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How can the gradient of the weight be calculated in the viewpoint of matrix calculus?

Let $\sigma(x)$ be sigmoid function. Consider the case where $\text{out}=\sigma(\vec{x} \times W + \vec{b})$, and we want to compute $\frac{\partial{\text{out}}}{\partial{w} }.$ Set the dimension as ...
최선웅's user avatar