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Questions tagged [computer-vision]

For questions related to computer vision, which is an interdisciplinary scientific field (which can e.g. use image processing techniques) that deals with how computers can be made to gain high-level understanding from digital images or videos. For example, image recognition (that is, the identification of the type of objects in an image) is a computer vision problem.

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Getting an error importing SWin transformer using tensorflow in colab

I am trying to load swin transformer from tfhub as follows but on loading the model I get an error. def load_model(): model_url = "
Khuldee's user avatar
-2 votes
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Rigid matrix and images

theory qustion about camera and matrices rectangle
Khaled's user avatar
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Are there deepfake detection technologies available outside of the major companies?

I've been reading a lot about deepfakes lately and it's got me wondering about how we can detect them. I know big tech companies like Google and Facebook are working on this, but what about the rest ...
Tejash reddymalla's user avatar
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Is residual mapping always beneficial?

While reading the residual learning paper [1], I found a problem to be quite unanswered. Suppose I am stacking a deep neural network to map an input to a output. Lets say a function H(x) does the ...
ishaan's user avatar
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What is the current state of the art in video transformers (mainly for tasks like classification) and what are the Top 5 papers from the last 2 years?

Is there a general consensus in the community regarding the most effective video transformer architecture which modalities to use, how to represent them, and the best methods for fusing them the ...
user27192192's user avatar
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What is "Explicit Propagation" Image Inpainting - LatentPaint Paper - Generative AI

I am trying to implement "Explicit Propagation" method for Image Inpainting introduced in LatentPaint Research paper. This paper proposes the introduction of a module between VAE and ...
user3602374's user avatar
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Seeking Advice on Triangulation Error Using GPS-Enabled Drone Images in Rerun Visualization Software

I am currently working on a project where I am triangulating a point using multiple images captured by a GPS-enabled drone. The images have been reconstructed using software such as Reality Capture ...
Hemanth Surya's user avatar
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Application thats compatible with android that allows you to access the wifi signals around you and constructs its own

Can we develop a application thats compatible with android that allows you to access the wifi signals around you and constructs its own? By continuously encryption data by the wifi signal by ...
Micheal Satterfield's user avatar
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Seeking Advice on Optimizing a Computer Vision Ensemble for 500 Cameras

I hope you are all doing well. I'm reaching out to this community to seek your advice and insights regarding a project I'm currently working on. Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions you ...
Sergey's user avatar
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Is there a better way to do this type of optimization?

I have an image classification task that uses an object detection model as its basis. For each image, I get a vector of confidences (one value for each class), and I take the class with the highest ...
Hummus Akemi's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Deep Learning training strategy: Avoid shuffling individual training images, instead shuffle batches?

I am training a YOLO (You only look once) object detector for an application within an industrial environment. Since a fixed setup of cameras is used, the backgrounds of the images are camera-...
beinando's user avatar
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Understanding MOTChallenge dataset format

I was looking into MOT17 datasets. And I have some stupid questions regarding dataset: Q1. Why there is no ground truth files in test datasets? For example ...
RajS's user avatar
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Why is the CLIP model sometimes referred to by the name of its image encoder only (e.g., ViT-B/32)?

I've noticed that in some discussions, the CLIP model is referred to by the name of its image encoder only, such as "ViT-B/32." However, CLIP consists of both an image encoder and a text ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Understanding matching of a CNN Layer's Output With the Receptive Field of Input Layer

I was trying to implement the following paper: and I came across something that seemed ambiguous to me. On page 4, second paragraph, it says After processing the ...
Redwanul Haque Sourave's user avatar
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Geometry adaptive kernel estimation for crowd counting based on bounding box dimensions

I'm generating a ground truth density map set for an object counting task involving different object classes. The objects are labeled with bounding boxes (i.e [class, x, y, w, h]), which vary in size ...
yuki's user avatar
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Spatial vs spatiotemporal methods for object counting in low frame-rate videos

I'm currently working on an object counting/density estimation task using low frame rate video (~2 fps) in a traffic setting. I've explored a lot of literature on both spatial methods (i.e. using only ...
yuki's user avatar
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Why can't we use only keys to calculate self-attention?

I was reading about the self-attention mechanism and the paper suggests to have 3 things to be computed: Key, Query and Value. As far as I understood the reason for having Value is to allow ...
Erik Nouroyan's user avatar
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Fuse Feature Vector in image classification?

Currently, i'm processing a image classification problem about facial emotional classification. I am using 2 extract methods: HOG and Facial Landmark. My idea is using HOG to find the gradient ...
Phan Phước's user avatar
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Can a transformer detect same object with different sizes?

Suppose a vision transformer has trained to detect this cat picture Next we show it another picture of a zoomed-in cat (taken from the same image) and asked it to identify the picture The linearized ...
James's user avatar
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Improve Performance of License Plate Recognition using EasyOCR

I wish to extract the license-plate text from images using EasyOCR. I am obtaining license-plate images from a 2MP camera's stream placed atop traffic light poles. ...
Rishi Sharma's user avatar
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Is there an algorithm capable of telling knots and links apart?

I'd like to create some algorithm that can tell apart knots from links. A knot is made up of one line, a link with multiple. As input, we expect images as above. Is there an algorithm capable of ...
Csaba Daniel Farkaš's user avatar
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Can the output of non-max suppression have more bounding boxes than the number of objects the picture actually has?

I am not really understanding the non-max supression (NMS) algorithm. Let's say my model produces 20 bounding boxes (bbs) for my picture which have 7 cats (7 objects with the same class). Can it be ...
hachane's user avatar
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Can 3D convolutions appropriately capture a frozen embedding space?

My project is a strange combination of NLP and Computer Vision. I have datapoints of 3D tensor where each element is a token in an NLP vocabulary. The vocabulary is around 1000 unique "words"...
schmixi's user avatar
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Realtime cuboid vs cylinder classification of a 2D mask / object from a 3D scene?

Most realtime SOTA segmentation/detection model can reliably segment an object from a 2D input, and I can get the contours/polylines describing its edges in realtime. By realtime, I'll consider ...
Filip Dimitrovski's user avatar
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Why does UNet often output noisy pattern in blank/homogeneous region?

I am recently implementing DDPM model from scratch, and I discovered that UNet often tends to give noisy output in blank region. Here is an example with FashionMNIST, my DDPM seems to generate OK ...
Dibbla's user avatar
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Good models for building/tree detection

I need to estimate the speed of a car by analysing a dashcam video that provides a view of the street in front. I had the idea of tracking objects that I know are stationary (buildings/trees) and ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Trained model on cifar10 performs poorly on real images

So I'm trying to train a model using the CIFAR10 dataset. The problem is that while the performance of the model on validation and test sets are good (about 95-96%), the model fails to predict images ...
AlbertDang's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why different noise in GAN generate different images?

I understand that noise $z$ serves as the input to the generator. Noise $z$ is essentially a vector of random numbers, typically from Gaussian distribution with chosen size of like $100$. However, I ...
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Image segmentation with noisy labels

I have a dataset which consists of satellite images and their labels which are indicated by let say class 1 and 2. I want to perform image segmentation to detect pixels related to class 1 and 2. The ...
Carol's user avatar
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Glass Degradation Video Prediction

We are working on the subject above, where a sequence of $n$ glass frames forms an example with an associate target that is a video of the glass future state. We would like to know if there exists an ...
Filippo Portera's user avatar
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Enhancing Soil Moisture Predictions Using Multimodal Data Integration in Agriculture

I am exploring an interdisciplinary research area involving multimodal data, focusing on agriculture. My study incorporates both visual and tabular data: crop and soil images from three distinct ...
Md Rakib's user avatar
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KD-loss between intermediate feature maps of different channels

Assume a teacher model and a student model. Teacher is bigger than student in terms of depth and/or width, however, comes from the same "family". In addition to the loss that involves the ...
Natan ZB's user avatar
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Marking object on a map from the image

I have been researching if there are any existing machine learning models that would help mark objects (for example: cars) on the map having only image, camera location, and camera orientation. For ...
user3500960's user avatar
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adversarial training on convnext shows a very strange curve

i am currently working on a research project where I have to train some models for adversarial robustness. I have implemented the algorithm used by a research paper called adversarial training for ...
M Akrm's user avatar
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SOTA model (PAtt-lite) implementation with Pytorch [closed]

I'm trying to implement a model guided by the paper of PAtt-lite (weights are on but no implementation provided yet). Using FER2013+ and RAF-DB. The main classes I'...
Robert's user avatar
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Classifying Images that Look Like Noise

I'm about to build a system that is supposed to evaluate images (900 x 150) like the following and classify it in to one of five categories: image that looks like noise In case you're wondering, they'...
Ed Park's user avatar
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How to estimate the weight of quarry material in a pile

A quarry wants to know the weight of materials they extract from the quarry. I was thinking they could use some computer vision to estimate the weight based on a 3D generated model of the quarry ...
Hex Heager's user avatar
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Using computer vision to comprehend Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams

I'm wondering how to approach this problem. I want to create an excel document (or just a dictionary) where each instrument (circle objects FV 1031, for example) is associated with a line number (for ...
Daniel Caoili's user avatar
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Can T-Net be substituted by data augmentation in the PointNet architecture?

I am looking at the PointNet architecture at I was wondering why T-Net was preferred over data augmentation. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think of T-Net as trying to find a transformation that will ...
ado sar's user avatar
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How to calibrate IMU for large scale deployments possibly using deep neural network

We were testing our visual SLAM algorithm on robots. We were getting poor performance. Then we calculated wite noise and random walk parameters (using kalibr) for the IMU and used it in our algorithm ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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How does the Yolo loss match bounding boxes to the ground truth?

I've been going over the YOLO paper again and I was wondering something about the loss. Yolo divides an image into grids and then for each grid can have multiple bounding boxes to detect multiple ...
Edan Patt's user avatar
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What are efficient methods for classifying tremor intensity, given challenges with 3D CNN and memory issues with a pretrained VideoMAE model?

I have a training dataset of 80 videos (without augmentation). They are 15 seconds video recorded at 30fps and 240*480 dimensions. What options do I have to train a classification model? The problem ...
Ravideep Singh's user avatar
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Handle overlapping objects in instance segmentation annotation

As I struggle to find any literature online about this, I wanted to create a discussion that other would be able to learn from. My question is inspired from a Yolo GitHub issue. In this example we ...
Timothee W's user avatar
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In neural style transfer, why do we focus on a single style image?

In all the descriptions of neural style transfer that I've seen so far, there is a single style image and a single content image, and the task is to produce a new image with the style of one image and ...
A Kubiesa's user avatar
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Is global pooling necessary in image classification models? [closed]

In many image classification models, the global pooling operation is performed before the classification layer (i.e. fully connected layer) to reduce model complexity. Is the global pooling layer a ...
Liuji's user avatar
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does it make sense to consider the base/backbone network one of the multiscale feature map blocks in SSD?

I'm trying to understand Single Shot Multibox Detection following a book adopted at 500 universities from 70 countries The complete single shot multibox detection model consists of five blocks. The ...
singularli's user avatar
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High Fluctuations in Validation Curve

Below I attach an image of accuracy curves. I got a lot of suggestions regarding some improvement in below curves. Following are my experiments in order to make the curve stable--> I used lr = 4....
Sarvagya Porwal's user avatar
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ViT fails to detect a white pixel in a black image

I wanted to report you to some experiments in the context of Deep Learning for Computer Vision, in particular for visual reasoning. The main question I am trying to answer is the difference between ...
Fiorenzo Parascandolo's user avatar
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Do GANs have constant running time?

After the model is trained, you just need to input random noise and the generator will output an image, does this mean GANs have constant running time ? I'm asking about both naïve GAN and variants of ...
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Question about the Conditioning Augmentation technique?

In the paper StackGAN: Text to Photo-realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks, the goal is to convert text descriptions into images. The text encoder encodes the ...
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