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What are the ways to calculate the error rate of a deep Convolutional Neural Network, when the network produces different results using the same data?

I am new to the object recognition community. Here I am asking about the broadly accepted ways to calculate the error rate of a deep CNN when the network produces different results using the same data....
Daqi Dong's user avatar
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Deep NN architecture for predicting a matrix from two matrices

Recently my friend asked me a question: having two input matrices X and Y (each size NxD) where D >> N, and ground truth matrix Z of size DxD, what deep architecture shall I use to learn a deep model ...
vaxherra's user avatar
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What would be the advantage of making channel dimension first in TensorFlow Keras implementation?

I was reproducing the findings of a research article in which I discovered that they had switched the Channel dimension from last to first. To clarify this concept, I went through A Gentle ...
Nafees Ahmed's user avatar
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Does the order of data augmentation and normalization matter?

What is the preferred order of data augmentation and normalization? Is it the former followed by the latter?
shyam vishnu's user avatar
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Is using a filter of size (1, x, y) on a 3D convolutional layer the same as using a filter of size (x,y) on a 2D convolutional layer?

I'm trying to predict some properties of videos with Keras using the following rough architecture: Feed each frame through the same 2-D convolutional layer. Take the outputs of this 2-D ...
J. Pistachio's user avatar
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Wouldn't training the model with this data lead to inaccuracies since the testing data would not be normalized in a similar way?

I was trying to normalize my input data images for feeding to my convolutional neural network and wanted to use standardize my input data. I referred to this post, which says that ...
user33681's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Hand-Signs Recognition using Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks

I am developing a CNN model to recognize 24 hand-signs of American Sign Language. I have 2500 Images/hand-sign. The data split is: Training = 1250 Images/hand-sign Validation = 625 Images/hand-sign ...
mayuresh_sa's user avatar
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2 answers

CNN Pooling layers unhelpful when location important?

I'm trying to use a CNN to analyse statistical images. These images are not 'natural' images (cats, dogs, etc) but images generated by visualising a dataset. The idea is that these datasets hopefully ...
Matt Hamilton's user avatar