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37 votes
6 answers

Why do CNN's sometimes make highly confident mistakes, and how can one combat this problem?

I trained a simple CNN on the MNIST database of handwritten digits to 99% accuracy. I'm feeding in a bunch of handwritten digits, and non-digits from a document. I want the CNN to report errors, so I ...
Alexander Soare's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should one use an "other" category in image classification?

In image classification, there are sometimes images that do not fit in any category. For example, if I build a CNN in Keras to classify Dogs and Cats, does it help (in terms of training time and ...
Ruthger Righart's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How does backpropagation work on a custom loss function whose components have magnitudes of different orders?

I want to use a custom loss function which is a weighted combination of l1 and DSSIM losses. The DSSIM loss is limited between 0 and 0.5 where as the l1 loss can be orders of magnitude greater and is ...
user12754's user avatar
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