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2 answers

How do I assign a weight to an additional loss?

I am trying to do multi-spectral image fusion. I am using the following paper as a reference. The code available on GitHub works well. But, I am trying to add some ...
programmer_04_03's user avatar
-1 votes
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Loss function to Push response value towards extremes

I have a feature map whose values are in the range of [0,1]. I want to push these values either towards extreme 0 or 1 using some loss function. Since I don't have any target value so it had to be in ...
user3585510's user avatar
1 vote
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What is a "center loss"?

I have seen that a center loss is beneficial in computer vision, especially in face recognition. I have tried to understand this concept from the following material A Discriminative Feature Learning ...
Nafees Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Loss function for increasing the quality of the image when labels are not perfectly alligned

I am trying to increse the quality of the images that I gather from the microscope. That is a acoustic microscope and there are lots of technical details but in a nutshell the low quality images and ...
ikadorus's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What are the major differences between cost, loss, error, fitness, utility, objective, criterion functions?

I find the terms cost, loss, error, fitness, utility, objective, criterion functions to be interchangeable, but any kind of minor difference explained is appreciated.
Stephen Philip's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Dice loss gives binary output whereas binary crossentropy produces probability output map

On recommendation of Kanak on stackoverflow I am posting this question here: Currently I am experimenting with various loss functions and optimizers for my binary image segmentation problem. The loss ...
Eeuwigestudent1's user avatar