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Should one use an "other" category in image classification?

In image classification, there are sometimes images that do not fit in any category. For example, if I build a CNN in Keras to classify Dogs and Cats, does it help (in terms of training time and ...
Ruthger Righart's user avatar
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Image Classification for watermarks with poor results

Just starting learning things about tensorflow and NN. As an exercise I decided to create a dataset of images, watermarked and not, in order to binary classify these. First of all, the dataset ( you ...
Felice Pollano's user avatar
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How to use 'Canny/Watershed' algorithm's output as an input for Image Classification Model

I have a very silly problem in hand. I have implemented 2 methods which give me the mask to separate the objects from the background. What I get from one method is the object encapsulated in the red ...
Deshwal's user avatar
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Why doesn't my image classification network get better with training?

I am attempting to train a network to do something I thought would be a relatively simple case to learn with: identify whether the back of a scanned vintage postcard has one of 'no postage stamp', a '...
pr3sidentspence's user avatar