Questions tagged [deep-neural-networks]

For questions related to deep neural networks, which are artificial neural networks with "many" layers, where "many" can vary depending on the context.

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0 votes
0 answers

Longer DNN training times when using evolutionary algorithms

I am comparing my deep neural network (DNN) performance when using 2 types of optimizers: gradient-based Adam (properly tuned) and a population-based optimization algorithm (e.g., genetic algorithm (...
2 votes
1 answer

Can models like chatGPT learn functions with infinite domain or range

Lets assume two types of prompt: A fixed prompt for which reasonable responses can be infinite. For example: > output a random number > output a palindrome ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can we use a pre trained Encoder (BERT, XLM ) with a Decoder (GPT, Transformer-XL) to build a Chatbot instead of Language Translation?

I was wondering if the BERT or T5 models can do the task of generating sentences in English. Most of the models I have mentioned ...
3 votes
0 answers

Why does training converges when the norm of gradient increases?

This is from deep learning book by Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville. When training converges well, I thought the gradient should be at local minima. But the book says it often does ...
1 vote
1 answer

Formally, what are the layers in an Artificial Neural Network?

You may not believe it, but I am an ANN expert. Perhaps, for that reason, I am unable to grasp completely what the layers are in a Deep Forward Artificial Neural Network (DFANN). According to the Deep ...
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0 answers

Does the number of epochs measure a correlation?

i have built a two-layers neural network (1000 => 1000) to predict a dynamical system driven by two real-world parameters. When using the first parameter as input to the first layer, training the ...
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1 answer

Is it redunant to add more layers to a neural network with same number of neurons as the previous layer?

Lets say I have a neural network with three layers and the last layer has 3 outputs. If I added additional layer of 3 neurons to the end of the network, would that be a more powerful neural network? ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why MSE and MAE yield poor results when used with gradient-based optimization for classification?

Deep learning book chapter 6: In last paragraph: Unfortunately, mean squared error and mean absolute error often lead to poor results when used with gradient-based optimization. Some output ...
0 votes
3 answers

why validation accuracy be greater than training accuracy for deep learning models? [closed]

I hope you are well. I had a problem and didn't understand the answers given on questions similar to my question. If possible, please answer this problem in a simpler way. Val_acc : %99.4 _ Train_acc :...
1 vote
1 answer

MobileNetV2 - Some particularities

So I was studying MobileNetV2 architecture and came across this table from the original paper that represents its architecture: Table Description: "Table 2: MobileNetV2 : Each line describes a ...
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1 answer

Training a neural network in full batch training

It is a trend in deep learning to train models using multi-batches, i.e., to show the model a subset of the entire dataset for each weight update. In some cases, as in continual learning, we see that ...
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4 answers

Why, in deep learning, do we get computational power by going deeper?

I know by the expressiveness of a neural networks that it can be seen as a chain of function compositions, i.e. $g(f(.. z(x)..))$ and also that, if we go deep, we can approximate complex functions $f: ...
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0 answers

Why "Good Model" that performs great on holdout validation data fails on production data

I have this binary regression model that has ~500 futures with an unbalanced dataset with the following results. ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to handle out-of-bound values in Production data?

So I have this model but the data may vary. And it is virtually impossible to always have the values in bounds. If I do I`d have to use larger period leading to concept shift which is worse. The ...
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0 answers

How can I get an integer as output for continuous action space PPO reinforcement learning?

I have a huge discrete action space, the learning stability is not good. I'd like to move to continuous action space but the only output for my task can be a positive integer (let's say in the range 0 ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is batch normalization not suitable for non-gaussian input?

I generate some non-Gaussian data, and use two kinds of DNN models, one with BN and the other without BN. I find that the model DNN with BN can't predict well. The codes is shown as follow: <...
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1 answer

Do you need single or multiple networks to detect multiple faces?

Given pictures with multiple features such as faces, can a single AI algorithm detect all of them, or for better reliability is it preferred to use separate instances? In other words, I'm talking ...
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1 answer

How to identify important features in data?

I have a couple opportunities to write a paper, or papers over some of the neural networks I have made. I was wondering if there are anyways to figure out why the neural network classifies the data I ...
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0 answers

How Can We Create Neural Networks with Different Depths and Widths But Same Number of Parameters?

Right now I am doing a research project investigating how the depth of a Neural Network affects its capacity to learn. In order to do this, I wanted to test different Networks with the same number of ...
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1 answer

How to compare memory requirements for tabular Q-learning vs deep neural network?

I want to compare the space complexity/memory requirement of tabular Q-learning v.s. deep neural Q-network (DQN). I think DQN would be faster and Q-table has a disadvantage at large table sizes but ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to preserve Markov Property in Deep Reinforcement Learning when using "mixup" or "mixreg"?

I've read through these two papers: (original about "mixup") (variant for RL, "mixreg") They are about a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Should I use an unsupervised approach or train a classifier with many classes to build a deep image feature extractor?

I'd like to build a deep feature extractor of images (using a Bi-linear CNN). What would lead to the best results: an unsupervised approach (such as
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0 answers

How many layers do GPT-3, AlphaFold 2, and DALL-E 2 have?

Unsuccessfully, I tried to find out the "depth" (definition below) in large neural networks such as GPT-3, AlphaFold 2, and DALL-E 2. Formally, my question is about their computational graph:...
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0 answers

How to define a custom layer in Pytorch [closed]

I am new to PyTorch and seeking your help regarding a problem I have. I need to add a costume layer to a NN in training phase. Please see the figure which shows a simple DNN with the custom layer. NN ...
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1 answer

Why does backprop algorithm store the inputs to the non-linearity of the hidden layers?

I have been reading the Deep Learning book by Ian Goodfellow and it mentions in Section 6.5.7 that The main memory cost of the algorithm is that we need to store the input to the nonlinearity of the ...
-1 votes
1 answer

What is exactly sparse annotation?

What is exactly sparse annotation? Is it different from labeling images? I've been reading a paper about vessel segmentation and have some issues understanding this part.
51 votes
6 answers

What is fuzzy logic?

I'm new to A.I. and I'd like to know in simple words, what is the fuzzy logic concept? How does it help, and when is it used?
1 vote
0 answers

References for Nvidia's DLSS

Nvidia's deep learning super-sampling is presented as an application of deep learning techniques to video-rendering in videogames. Question: I'm asking for a technical reference that explains what is ...
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1 answer

Using "softmax" (non-linear) vs "linear" activation function in Deep Reinforcement Learning

I am following the tutorial in this video: which implements deep reinforcement learning (DQN) to balance cart pole in OpenAI default environment. The DQN model looks like ...
4 votes
0 answers

Is there any way and any reason why one would introduce a sparsity constraint on a deep auto-encoder?

Is there any way and any reason why one would introduce a sparsity constraint on a deep autoencoder? In particular, in deep autoencoders, the first layer often has more units than the dimensionality ...
5 votes
2 answers

What do the neural network's weights represent conceptually?

I understand how neural networks work and have studied their theory well. My question is: On the whole, is there a clear understanding of how mutation occurs within a neural network from the input ...
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0 answers

If the model always underfits, do I really need a larger model?

I train my neural network on random points generated for a data set that theoretically consists of approximately $1.8 * 10^{39}$ elements. I sample (generate) tens of thousands of random points on ...
3 votes
0 answers

Are there neural networks with (hard) constraints on the weights?

I don't know too much about Deep Learning, so my question might be silly. However, I was wondering whether there are NN architectures with some hard constraints on the weights of some layers. For ...
9 votes
4 answers

What could an oscillating training loss curve represent?

I tried to create a simple model that receives an $80 \times 130$ pixel image. I only had 35 images and 10 test images. I trained this model for a binary classification task. The architecture of the ...
4 votes
1 answer

What is the state-of-the-art algorithm for neural style transfer?

I've read the paper A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style by Gatys et. al. and I find the application of neural style transfer very fun. I also read that Exploring the structure of a real-time, ...
2 votes
4 answers

Is there a way of pre-determining whether a CNN model will perform better than another?

I developed a CNN for image analysis. I've around 100K labeled images. I'm getting a accuracy around 85% and a validation accuracy around 82%, so it looks like the model generalize better than ...
1 vote
1 answer

Are there any animation tools available to visualise and simulate deep neural networks? [closed]

Deep learning researchers have to work with a lot of models. The models may include different types of Layers: They include convolutional neural network layers, recurrent neural network layers, batch ...
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1 answer

Dissection of a depth map

I am curious about how depth maps work. While searching I came across this website which contains some images and their depth maps. I took this depth map and tried to study it using a python pillow. <...
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How does back propagation adjust the hidden layers' weights and biases?

I'm new to neural networks and trying to figure out its fundamentals but I cannot fully understand the back propagation algorithm. In back propagation, I understand we want to go backwards from the ...
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Computational complexity of a CNN network

In the following network, the convolution operations of convolutional blocks are performed by three 1-D kernels with the sizes 8, 5, and 3 respectively along with stride equal to 1. The final network ...
1 vote
1 answer

Would this count as a Transfer Learning approach?

I have two datasets, Dataset 1(D1) and Dataset 2(D2). D1 has around 22000 samples, and D2 has around 8000 samples. What I am doing is that I train a Deep Neural Network model with around three layers ...
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1 answer

What is meant by "stable training" of a deep learning model?

I have read it said that the "stable training" of a deep learning model is important. What is meant by "stable training" of a deep learning model?
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1 answer

Number of classes vs number of parameters/layers?

How to estimate the number of parameters in CNN for object detection? I know that there are some well-known architectures that was trained on a lot of data (AlexNet, ResNet, VGG, GoogleLeNet). But ...
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1 answer

Do we ever need more then 1 hidden layer in a binary classification problem with ANNs? If yes why?

I have read about the universal approximation theorem. So, why do we need more than 1 layer? Is it somehow computationally efficient to add layers instead of more neurons in the hidden layer?
11 votes
1 answer

When should you not use the bias in a layer?

I'm not really that experienced with deep learning, and I've been looking at research code (mostly PyTorch) for deep neural networks, specifically GANs, and, in many cases, I see the authors setting <...
2 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between multi-head and normal output?

Let's say that I have a neural network with 2 heads. The first consists of X neurons. The second consists of Y neurons. I have these 2 heads because I want to predict 2 different variables. And I can ...
3 votes
1 answer

Are there deep neural networks that have inputs connected with deeper hidden layers?

Are there any architectures of deep neural networks that connect input neurons not only with the first hidden layer but also with deeper ones (red lines on the picture)? If so could you give some ...
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1 answer

Should binary feature be in one or two columns in deep neural networks?

Let's assume I have a simple feedforward neural network whose input contains binary 0/1 features and output is also binary two classes. Is it better, worse, or maybe totally indifferent, for every ...
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1 answer

Unable to 'learn' a rotational angle by parametrising the angle as a neural network layer

I'm trying to implement a neural network that can capture the drift in a measured angle as a way of dynamic calibration. i.e, I have a reference system that may change throughout the course of the ...
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0 answers

The MLP output of a neural network can be written as $\|x\|\|w_l\|\cos(\theta_l)$: why is the norm easier to maximize?

The MLP output of a neural network is a dot product between the weights and the input and therefore can be written as $\|x\|\|w_l\|\cos(\theta_l)$ (see this for more details), where $x$ is the input, $...