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Questions tagged [deep-rl]

For questions related to deep reinforcement learning (DRL), that is, RL combined with deep learning. More precisely, deep neural networks are used to represent e.g. value functions or policies.

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1 answer

When to stop a DQN agent train?

Hello AI Stack people, I'm in doubt to when i should stop my DQN agent train. I'm traning a DQN agent and i will use a hyperparameter optimization method (probabily random search). So, i need a ...
Vitor Martins's user avatar
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PPO learning to achieve a non-Markovian task?

I've been trying to train agents to achieve a non-Markovian task in a modified version of PettingZoo's Waterworld. In the task, I have two pursuers (the agents I'm training) and three evaders. I won't ...
sleipnir's user avatar
3 votes
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Can reinforcement learning rewards be a combination of current and new state?

I'm structuring the reward function for my RL agent and considering a combination of both the current state and the new state after taking an action. From what I understand, this is possible based on ...
RookieScientist's user avatar
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Stable Baselines 3 multiple custom networks in one agent

I'm working with an environment that can easily be subdivided into two parts, with part 1 have an indirect effect on part 2, but I can't simulate either parts alone in a realistic way. Also, both ...
NathanG's user avatar
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Do State Variables in RL Models Need Direct Update Equations?

I'm working on a simulation model using RL to optimize an objective function. I'm trying to understand if I need to select my state variables such that I can write state update equations for each one ...
RookieScientist's user avatar
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Should I use reinforcement learning to automate the throw of a ball in a Pokemon game?

I am trying to automate the throw of a ball in a game in order to get "Excellent Throw". To achieve an "Excellent" throw, you need to hit the center of the shrinking target circle ...
zaxunobi's user avatar
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Combination of components to maximize a multi-criteria objective function

I have been given a list of components, with various “contributions” (or weights) which put together in a weighted combination have a combined aggregate effect. I then have the task of suggesting ...
user43464's user avatar
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Is the Invalid Action Masking in RL related only to the state or can be dependent on the reward as well?

I'm reading about Invalid Action Masking in RL in order to use it in my PPO algorithm for a specific task. The problem is that I read such explanations: here, here and here the there the invalid ...
Dave's user avatar
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What are the most common methods for handling non-stationary environments in reinforcement learning?

What are the most common algorithms, methods for handling non-stationary environments in reinforcement learning?
Mika's user avatar
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Two-agent sequential RL

I have the following RL model that I want to train (see the diagram below). My idea is to have two agents: agent A and agent B. Agent A observes the input I1 and ...
zdm's user avatar
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Can a trained RL network outperforms the best training sample?

I'm working on solving a problem where I need to determine the optimal set of actions to find the path that yields the maximum reward. I'm currently using a Deep Q-Network (DQN) for this task. However,...
Amanli's user avatar
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Why parameter-based RL methods are not widely used?

Parameter-based RL methods perturb parameters of a general function approximator directly, rather than adding noise to the resulting actions. Why they haven't received the same attention and gain ...
Mika's user avatar
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Actor Critic need to find the goal to have good update and suceed?

Im trying to solve MoutainCar and CarRacing (i love cars) in gym environnement with DDPG and my algo struggle. I have think on why this don't work and I would like to know if my resoning is false. ...
Cauchy_Chlasse's user avatar
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Handling large or multiple agent actions that cause non-stationarity

How to handle a problem where the agents' actions are changing the environment? For instance, a trading agent can hypothetically make a huge transaction that is enough to push the stock prices to go ...
Mika's user avatar
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Learning rate and rewards in Deep Reinforcement Learning

In environments with sparse and (sometimes) binary rewards such as Taxi Cab, Mountain Car and Frozen Lake, where agents rarely encounter positive outcomes, I've observed that the gradient descent's ...
HenDoNR's user avatar
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Can all RL algorithms learn with discrete state spaces?

This question come to mind when i was planing to do a benchmark of RL algorithms to my Environment. In fact, Q-Learning, SARSA actually only handles with discrete state spaces because they are tabular ...
Vitor Martins's user avatar
3 votes
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Why do big policy updates cause performance drop in deep RL?

In the TRPO and PPO papers, it is mentioned that large policy updates often lead to performance drops in policy gradient methods. By "large policy updates," they mean a significant KL ...
Druudik's user avatar
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Is reinforcement learning suitable for application automation?

I have basically automatised the use of an app through the use of OCR and computer vision. So basically when a word or an image is detected it will perform a certain action. When that action is ...
zaxunobi's user avatar
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Proper way to load a RL (reinforcement learning) model (pytorch) for "testing"...?

I'm working on a RL problem where, in a nutshell, an agent has to go from point A to point B, in that order, with as few steps as possible, using DQN with PyTorch, to train the agent. During training, ...
Jose Alberto Salazar's user avatar
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Should the experience replay memory only contain unique experiences?

I'm training an RL agent/model (DRL/DQN). Say that, for each learning step, the memory replay used by the agent to learn, has N elements (experiences) stored, where only X are unique elements (...
Jose Alberto Salazar's user avatar
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How can I improve these reinforcement learning reward functions?

I am working for the very first time to a RL problem. More in details, I am working with a 3DOF model of a buisness jet aircraft. The environement is made up by the aircraft model + the two PID ...
leo95nf's user avatar
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Can we implement a memory in a REINFORCE algorithm for RL?

In Q-learning with function approximators such as Neural Networks, we typically implement a memory so that at the end of each episode we also train on past experiences. This is typically fine because ...
FluidMechanics Potential Flows's user avatar
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How to design a custom openai gym environment to carry out 5G resource slicing?

PROBLEM AT HAND: I have a resource (Bandwidth) of B Hz. I have to distribute the bandwidth B to users as per their requirements. For instance, voice calls would require some amount of bandwidth while ...
ANWESA ROY's user avatar
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What's the action space in RLHF for LLM?

I've been trying to understand how the modern LLMs use PPO for fine-tuning. In the PPO algorithm, one has to compute advantages, which are then used for either increasing or decreasing action's ...
Druudik's user avatar
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Neural network for specific numbers from a range (Q learning)

PROBLEM AT HAND: I have a resource (Bandwidth) of B Hz. I have to distribute the bandwidth B to users as per their requirements. For instance, voice calls would require some amount of bandwidth while ...
ANWESA ROY's user avatar
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How to find an argument of a NN function(which returns a distribution) to minimize a KL divergence?

Consider a neural network function $f:\mathbb{R}\to distribution$. For simplicity, maybe consider that it returns a gaussian distribution. I want to find $\arg\min_{s\in\mathbb{R}}D_{KL}(f(s),q)$ for ...
user3315463's user avatar
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Difficulty training PPO agent for robotic arm navigation task

 I'm currently working on training a PPO agent for a robotic arm navigation task, where the goal is to navigate the robotic arm to different positions in the environment. I've been training the agent ...
Weitao Kang's user avatar
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How to measure accuracy of learned value function of a fixed policy?

Let's say we've a given policy whose value function is to be evaluated. One way to get the value function can be using expected SARSA, as in this stack exchange answer. However, my MDP's state space ...
ModCon's user avatar
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Can DQN learn with discrete state spaces?

For example in Cart Pole v1 gym environment the state space is continuous, but we discretize it to apply the Q-Learning algorithm because Q-Learning is a tabular method and only works with discrete ...
Vitor Martins's user avatar
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Policy gradient - future looking returns

In the policy gradient approach, one differentiates the expected reward $$ \mathbb{E}J=\sum P(\tau;\theta) R(\tau) $$ to obtain $$ \Sigma R(\tau) \nabla \log P(\tau;\theta) $$ (with some abuse of ...
Eli's user avatar
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How to clip actions based on state in RL environment for trading (and other tips to approach optimal trade execution)?

I’m currently trying to use RL to analyze price impact in financial markets for optimal trade execution and have coded up a custom gymnasium environment to do so. Now, I'm deciding on which RL ...
walrus's user avatar
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Does the DoubleDQN algorithm use a target network or two separate policies?

I've been looking for ways to improve my DQN. That is when I found the Double DQN algorithm. After looking at explanatory videos and posts, I've seen conflicting information: The Double DQN algorithm ...
Vladislav Korecký's user avatar
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Can/should a reward function depend on something other than state in a DQN

Question: Is it OK to have a reward function on a DQN or any RL algorithm that depends on variables other than the enviroment state? I'm asking because, so far I'm learning from tutorials, but I've ...
Oliver Mohr Bonometti's user avatar
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Use your own simulation to train a reinforcement learning multi-agent

I am wanting to train an RL multi-agent model to run in a propietary simulation, which is written in C++. Is there a way to change the simulation itself to create an agent, or must I use a ...
michael-c-michael's user avatar
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CNN Input shape for DQN Q-calculating Network

Context: I want to build a DQN with as CNN for calculating its Q value on each step. Enviroment's status can be described by the attributes of 3 machines (each one with own attributes). I'd also like ...
Oliver Mohr Bonometti's user avatar
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How are POMDPs solved in practice?

In the literature that I've seen so far on how to either exactly or approximately solve POMDPs (Partially-Observable Markov Decision Processes), there seems to be a lot of focus placed on maintaining ...
QMath's user avatar
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Reinforcement learning for a word game

Let's imagine a simple word game where there is a grid of letters. The agent starts at a letter and moves to a neighboring letter, continuing in this fashion to form a word. For instance in this grid ...
mustafa's user avatar
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What is the name of this construction for a compound policy that operates over distinct action sets?

I am developing an RL algorithm with a policy that needs to compute valid probabilities over multiple distinct action sets. I think I have a construction that will work, but I do not know what it is ...
Wowee's user avatar
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Implementation difference in REINFORCE algorithm, where to sum from

I have a question regarding the implementation of the REINFORCE algorithm. In berkeley course (see slide 9) the gradient is defined as Note that the return sums from 1. However in Sutton's book the ...
Chris XU's user avatar
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How do I deal with dynamic, parameterized, action spaces?

I want to design an AI Learning Algorithm for a Student made, round based Game. Let me first explain the Game/Environment You have a round based HTTP Game, in which multiple Players can participate. ...
Andre's user avatar
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What methods are available for this kind of RL with partially unknown rewards?

Let me give an example. There is a king with 1 million subjects. He wants to maximize the discounted sum of future happiness of these subjects. However, he never fully knows their happiness. He can ...
causative's user avatar
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How to implement neural networks for the Pendulum Swing-Up Environment

I have recently completed the Prediction and Control with Function Approximation course on Coursera, which is part of a reinforcement learning specialisation from the University of Alberta. One of the ...
dML's user avatar
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How is state space normalization done in off-policy algorithms like dqn? [closed]

There are 4 features in my state representation and they are in different ranges. So I'm thinking state normalization would reduce the bias on certain features. And also, in the problem I consider, ...
Aki A's user avatar
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Enhancing Generalization in DRL Agents in Static Data Environments

Context: I'm working with a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) agent in a market-like environment where its actions do not affect the environment. The environment uses historical data up to a certain ...
ElonMuskofBadIdeas's user avatar
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Which RL algorithms can be used in an environment where actions have to be performed only in specific situations?

I am wondering which RL algorithms can be used in an environment where actions have to be performed only in specific situations. For example, on a conveyor belt on which a box that fulfills certain ...
Martin S's user avatar
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Can RL solve scheduling problems with unknown function

I have the following scheduling problem. There are $n$ tasks and $m>n$ machines. Each task $i$ has a requirement $t_i$ that should be guaranteed. Any task can be scheduled on at least one machine ...
Jika's user avatar
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Selection of actions based on distribution of rewards

In "A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning" Bellamare et. al. 2017. We find the following phrase. As in DQN, we use a simple $\epsilon$-greedy policy over the expected ...
foreverska's user avatar
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DQN arXiv 10-year anniversary: What are the outstanding problems being actively researched in deep Q-learning since 2019?

Background As of today (12-19-2023), the arXiv submission of the original deep Q-learning approach to achieve superhuman performance on ATARI games has turned a decade old. The original approach, ...
DeepQZero's user avatar
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Why slow-changing policy invalidates Double DQN approach in TD3 paper?

In the paper describing TD3 (, the authors say that they could not effectively address the Q-learning overestimation bias by using different networks for maximizing ...
Jerry Ding's user avatar
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Why does only Deep Q Learning have an overestimation bias?

There is a lot of discussion about the overestimation bias for Deep Q Learning and similar off-policy action value estimation algorithms like DDPG. This is why methods like Double DQN and TD3 were ...
Jerry Ding's user avatar

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