Questions tagged [deepdreaming]

Deepdreaming is a method for generating images by a trained neural network. For questions about Google's software, use [deepdream].

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How can a neural network handle different image sizes, when performing deep dreaming using image pyramids?

I read that image pyramids are used for deep dreaming. The image is feed through the network multiple times and is rescaled during the process, to capture features in different scales. But how can the ...
lev1248's user avatar
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Why would neural network dream scenes mirror the hallucinations people experience when they're tripping?

In DeepDream wikipedia page it's suggested that a dreamlike images created by a convolutional neural network may be related to how visual cortex works in humans when they're tripping. The imagery ...
kenorb's user avatar
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Is it possible to apply deep dream technique for the audio streams?

What happens if you apply the same deep dream technique which produces "dream" visuals but to media streams such as audio files? Does changing image functions into audio and enhancing the logic would ...
kenorb's user avatar
  • 10.5k
7 votes
2 answers

Why is the generation of deep style images so slow and resource-hungry?

Consider these neural style algorithms which produce some art work: Neural Doodle neural-style Why is generating such images so slow and why does it take huge amounts of memory? Isn't there any ...
kenorb's user avatar
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