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Were AI strategies identified at go or starcraft games and how?

When an AI is trained to play an opposing game, such as chess or go, it can become very strong. I have read in an article (non-scientific) the claim that AI strategies were identified by scientists ...
totalMongot's user avatar
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How powerful is OpenAI's Gym and Universe in board games area? [closed]

I'm a big fan of computer board games and would like to make Python chess/go/shogi/mancala programs. Having heard of reinforcement learning, I decided to look at OpenAI Gym. But first of all, I would ...
Taissa's user avatar
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Why was Go a harder game for an AI to master than Chess?

AI became superior to the best human players in chess around 20 years ago (when the 2nd Deep Blue match concluded). However, it took until 2016 for an AI to beat the Go world chess champion, and this ...
Inertial Ignorance's user avatar
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Is the play of strong Chess AI easily distinguishable from human play?

I don't play nearly enough Chess to be able to answer. For context, AlphaGo is stronger than the current strongest human player, but AlphaGo's game play has been cast as "inhuman" in the sense that ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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Can games be solved without an evaluation function?

Fundamentally, a game-playing AI must solve the problem of choosing the best action from a set of possible actions. Most existing game AI's, such as AlphaGo, do this by using an evaluation function, ...
dshin's user avatar
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