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Questions tagged [goal-based-agents]

For questions about goal-based agents.

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What is the best strategy to train a model with multi (sub)goals in the same environment?

To be able to explain my question I thought it is probably better to consider the following example: Let's take an environment, where a bridge crane need to lift a barrel from the position "start&...
Dave's user avatar
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The observation space of a robot arm should include the target position or only the joint values?

I'm interested in developing a RL application for a robotic arm in a virtual environment. But I stuck at the question, whether: The observation space should contain the target position + the actual ...
Dave's user avatar
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What is the right DRL algorithm to use when the goal in an environment is not fixed?

Let's take the LunarLander environment from the package Gym as an example. In this case, one can run thousand of episodes until the agent learns a good policy. However, there is a condition: the goal ...
Dave's user avatar
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What is the state space of digit recognition agent on a grid of 28 x 28 pixels?

I encountered the following problem as part of a quiz: Imagine you are designing a digit recognition agent and you want to analyze the state space of this problem. Given a binary image of 28 x 28 grid ...
Dawood Ahmad's user avatar
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Why is the greedy heuristic admissible and consistent for food at corners problem, but not for food anywhere problem?

UCBerkley has a great Intro to AI course (CS188) where you can practice coding up search algorithms. One of the exercises (question 6), asks to generate a heuristic that will have Pacman find all 4 ...
Nova's user avatar
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Are goal-reaching and optimizing the utility function special cases of performance measure?

In AIMA, performance measure is defined as something evaluating the behavior of the agent in an environment. Rational agents are defined as agents acting so as to maximize the expected value of the ...
Emad's user avatar
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What are the different types of goals for an AI system called?

I remember reading about two different types of goals for an intelligence. The gist was that the first type of goal is one that "just is" - it's an end goal for the system. There doesn't ...
Harman's user avatar
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What types of AI agents are Djikstra's algorithm and Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm?

From the perspective of the type of AI Agents, I would like to discuss Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm and Dijkstra's Algorithm. Both are model-based agents and both are "greedy algorithms&...
Muhammad Maqsoodur Rehman's user avatar
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How do we define intention if there is no free will?

There is an idea that intentionality may be a requirement of true intelligence, here defined as human intelligence. But all I know for certain is that we have the appearance of free will. Under ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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AI with conflicting objectives?

A recent question on AI and acting recalled me to the idea that in drama, there are not only conflicting motives between agents (characters), but a character may themselves have objectives that are in ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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Couldn't an AI cheat when trying to follow its goal?

Hello, I was reflecting about what implications might building a strong AI have and I came across some ideas which I find disturbing, I'd love to have some external thought on that : 1) If we ever ...
What_Would_An_AI_Do's user avatar
9 votes
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What is the difference between goal-based and utility-based agents?

What is the difference between goal-based and utility-based agents? Please, provide a real-world example.
RashkRizwan's user avatar