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Can Deep Reinforcement Learning come up with heuristics for a game it trains on and masters?

I am taking a course where we write minimax, alpha-beta pruning and interative deepening in Python for the game of Isolation. I am supposed to write heuristics for an evaluation function of the game ...
mLstudent33's user avatar
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How to choose the weights for a linear combination of heuristic functions?

I need to write a minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning in limited time for the 2048 game. I know expectimax is better for this work. Assume I wrote different heuristic functions. If I want to ...
Mustafa Tufan's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

More effective way to improve the heuristics of an AI... evolution or testing between thousands of pre-determined sets of heuristics?

I'm making a Connect Four game where my engine uses Minimax with Alpha-Beta pruning to search. Since Alpha-Beta pruning is much more effective when it looks at the best moves first (since then it can ...
Inertial Ignorance's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

What else can boost iterative deepening with alpha-beta pruning?

I read about minimax, then alpha-beta pruning, and then about iterative deepening. Iterative deepening coupled with alpha-beta pruning proves to quite efficient as compared to alpha-beta alone. I have ...
Suhail Gupta's user avatar