Questions tagged [long-short-term-memory]

For questions related to the long-short term memory (LSTM), which refers to a recurrent neural network architecture that uses LSTM units. The first LSTM unit was proposed in 1997 by Sepp Hochreiter and Jürgen Schmidhuber in the paper "Long-Short Term Memory".

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Recommended Time serie forecasting model for Fibonacci levels classification

I have a set of time series data which gives me fibonacci levels and the duration at which the value is at this level. Data structure to look like: ...
user3311337's user avatar
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Seq2Seq model produces repeating words

My framework is an encoder-decoder (LSTM-to-LSTM) model, similar to this post. The model basically reads a sentence and generate another sentence. But, the thing is, after a few epochs training, the ...
Cheleeger Ken's user avatar
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Advantages of CNN vs. LSTM for sequence data like text or log-files

When do you tend to use CNN rather than LSTM (or the other way round) in classification or generation tasks of sequential data like text or log-data? What are the reasons for the decision and what ...
moooo112's user avatar
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How to train an LSTM to classify based on rare historic event?

I want an LSTM to output one of two classes (Y, N), per frame, based on all the input so far. My original inputs are very long (~100000 samples long, far more than a standard LSTM training can handle ...
Gulzar's user avatar
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Must all CNNs and RNNs not have a fully connected layer in order to be considered as such?

In the paper Wrist-worn blood pressure tracking in healthy free-living individuals using neural networks, the authors talk about a combination of feed-forward and recurrent layers, as if FC layers ...
witdev's user avatar
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Do RNNs/LSTMs really need to be sequential?

There are many articles comparing RNNs/LSTMs and the Attention mechanism. One of the disadvantages of RNNs that is often mentioned is that while Attention can be computed in parallel, RNNs are highly ...
zock's user avatar
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Can RNNs get inputs and produce outputs similar to the inputs and outputs of FFNNs?

RNN and LSTM models have many architectures that can be modified. We can also compose their input and output data. However, in the examples that I found on the web, the inputs and outputs of RNNs/...
Green's user avatar
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How can Image Caption work?

I have two models and a file contains captions for images. The output of model 1 is .pkl files that contain the features of the images. Model 2 is the language model that will be trained with the ...
user3188912's user avatar
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Convert LSTM univariate Autoencoder to multivariate Autoencoder

I have the following code snippet which takes in a single column of value i.e. 1 feature. How do I modify the LSTM model such that it accepts 3 features? ...
Angelina's user avatar
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What is the input to the left most LSTM cell c(t-1) and h(t-1)?

Given an LSTM model with 3 cells shown below, what would be the input to the left most cell c(t-1) and h(t-1)?
Angelina's user avatar
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Is this LSTM layer learning anything?

I've trained a CNN-LSTM model but the results weren't satisfactory, so I took a look at my weight distributions and this is what I got: I don't understand. Is this layer learning anything? Or no? ...
Sepehr Golestanian's user avatar
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How to define a "don't care" class in time series classification in Pytorch?

This is a theoretical question. Setup I have a time series classification task in which I should output a classification of 3 classes for every time stamp t. All ...
Gulzar's user avatar
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Given the word embeddings, how do I create the sentence composed of the corresponding words?

I have done some reading. I want to implement an LSTM with pre-trained word embeddings (I also have plans to create my word embeddings, but let's cross that bridge when we come to it). In any given ...
trail99's user avatar
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If I want to predict two unrelated values given the same sequence of data points, should I have a model with two outputs or two models?

I want to predict two separate y-values (not really logically connected) based on an input sequence of data (values x). Using LSTM cells. Should I train two models separately or should I just increase ...
Jake B.'s user avatar
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How to improve prediction performance of periodic data?

I have a 1 column dataset of $50 000$ points where 95% of the values equal $-50$. The data looks like the following: $$\begin{matrix} \text{time} & \text{value}\\ 1&-50 \\ 2&-50 \\ 3&-...
Miroslav's user avatar
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Is it possible to predict $x^2$, $\log(x)$, or variable function of $x$ using RNN?

There were some posts that using RNN can predict the next point of the sine wave function with data history. However, I wondered if it also works on all the functions of $x$, such as $x^2$, $x^3$, $\...
passa kelly's user avatar
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How to make an ensemble model of two LSTM models with different window sizes i.e. different data shapes

Below is the Python code for making an ensemble model. All the inputs are the same for all three models. But what if the models have different input shapes due to different window size, such as LSTM ...
Fruity's user avatar
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Using LSTM model to train spatial inputs

I have an $x$-$y$ plane, inside that plane I have 9 paths $(p_1, p_2, \dots, p_3)$. Each path is classified into one of the three classes $(c_1, c_2, c_3)$. Each path has 100 coordinates points i.e $((...
Vijay Kumar S's user avatar
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3 answers

How should we regularize an LSTM model?

There are five parameters from an LSTM layer for regularization if I am correct. To deal with overfitting, I would start with reducing the layers reducing the hidden units Applying dropout or ...
Leo's user avatar
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Is the working of RNNs, LSTM and GRU sequential or parallel?

You take any blog or any example and all they tell you about is the given picture below. It has 4 different matrices and 3 of whose weights are shared. So, I'm wondering how is this achieved in ...
Deshwal's user avatar
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Is it possible and if so does it make sense to have dense layers in between LSTM layers?

I am new to LSTMs and I was wondering if it is possible to have LSTM layer then dense then LSTM again and does it make sense?
mikol's user avatar
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Why won't my model train with CTC loss?

I am trying to train an LSTM using CTC loss, but the loss does not decrease when I train it. I have created a minimal example of my issue by creating training data where the network simply has to copy ...
Cameron Martin's user avatar
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Using an LSTM for model-based RL in a POMDP

I am trying to set up an experiment where an agent is exploring an n x n gridworld environment, of which the agent can see some fraction at any given time step. I'd like the agent to build up some ...
DECK's user avatar
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Understanding LSTM through example

I want to code up one time step in a LSTM. My focus is on understanding the functioning of the forget gate layer, input gate layer, candidate values, present and future cell states. Lets assume that ...
Ling Guo's user avatar
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Time series prediction using LSTM and CNN-LSTM: which is better?

I am working on LSTM and CNN to solve the time series prediction problem. I have seen some tutorial examples of time series prediction using CNN-LSTM. But I don't know if it is better than what I ...
KYH's user avatar
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Can One-Hot Vectors be used as Inputs for Recurrent Neural Networks?

When using an RNN to encode a sentence, one normally takes each word, passes it through an embedding layer, and then uses the dense embedding as the input into the RNN. Lets say instead of using dense ...
chessprogrammer's user avatar
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Does this diagram represent several LSTMs, or one through several timesteps?

I'm trying to read this paper describing Google's LSTM architecture for machine translation. It features this diagram on page 4: I'm interested in the encoder block, on the left. Apparently, the pink ...
Jack M's user avatar
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How is input defined for a biaxial lstm network for generating music?

I am reading Composing Music With Recurrent Neural Networks by Daniel D. Johnson. But I am really confused about the input passed to this network. If we pass notes of music along the time axis, then ...
Dracula's user avatar
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Is there a common way to build a neural network that seeks to extract spatial and temporal information simultaneously?

Is there a common way to build a neural network that seeks to extract spatial and temporal information simultaneously? Is there an agreed up protocol on how to extract this information? What ...
ADA's user avatar
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How do LSTMs work if the following two matrices are not able to be multiplied?

In the above diagram, the shape of some of the matrices can be seen in the yellow highlight. For instance: The hidden state at timestep t-1 ($h_{t-1}$) has shape $(na, m)$ The input data at timestep t ...
THAT_AI_GUY's user avatar
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What is the computational complexity in terms of Big-O notation of a Gated Recurrent Unit Neural network?

I have been digging up of articles across the internet in context of computational complexity of GRU. Interestingly, I came across this article,,RNNs%20,LSTM%...
rahul tomar's user avatar
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In LSTMs, how does the additive property enables better balancing of gradient values during backpropagation?

There are two sources that I'm using to to try and understand why LSTMs reduce the likelihood of the vanishing gradient problem associated with RNNs. Both of these sources mention the reason LSTMs are ...
THAT_AI_GUY's user avatar
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Any comparison between transformer and RNN+Attention on the same dataset?

I am wondering what is believed to be the reason for superiority of transformer? I see that some people believe because of the attention mechanism used, it’s able to capture much longer dependencies. ...
milad aghajohari's user avatar
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Appropriate metric and approach for natural language generation for small sentences

I am trying to create a language generation model to generate very short sentences/words, like a rapper name generator. The sentences in my dataset are anywhere between 1 word and 15 words (3-155 ...
SajanGohil's user avatar
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Extract features with CNN and pass as sequence to RNN

I read an article about captioning videos and I want to use solution number 4 (extract features with a CNN, pass the sequence to a separate RNN) in my own project. But for me, it seems really strange ...
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What type of model should I fit to increase accuracy?

Currently, I'm working on 6-axis IMU(Inertial Measurment Unit) dataset. This dataset contain 6 axis IMU data of 7 different drivers. The Imu sensor attached on vehicle. The drivers drives same path. ...
dasmehdix's user avatar
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Feeding YOLOv4 image data into LSTM layer?

How would one extract the feature vector from a given input image using YOLOv4 and pass that data into an LSTM to generate captions for the image? I am trying to make an image captioning software in ...
Gibbo0789's user avatar
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How is dropout applied to the embedding layer's output?

o_yeah's user avatar
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How can Transformers handle arbitrary length input?

The transformer, introduced in the paper Attention Is All You Need, is a popular new neural network architecture that is commonly viewed as an alternative to recurrent neural networks, like LSTMs and ...
chessprogrammer's user avatar
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When past states contain useful information, does A3C perform better than TD3, given that TD3 does not use an LSTM?

I am trying to build an AI that needs to have some information about the past states as well. Therefore, LSTMs are suitable for this. Now, I want to know that for a problem/game like Breakout, where ...
user2783767's user avatar
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What is the big fuzz about SHA-RNN versus Transformers?

In his paper introducing SHA-RNN ( Stephen Merity states that neglecting one direction of research (in this case LSTMs) over another (transformers) merily because ...
Tibo Geysen's user avatar
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Network design to learn multiple sequences of multiple categories

For learning a single sequence, LSTM only should suffice. However, my situation is different here. I have a list of sequences to learn: The sale volumes of 12 months, these are the sequences And ...
Dan D.'s user avatar
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Number of LSTM layers needed to learn a certain number of sequences

Theoretically, number of units for a LSTM layer is the number of hidden states or the max length of sequences as per my practice. For example, in Keras: ...
Dan D.'s user avatar
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Text classification of non-equal length texts, should I pad left or right?

Text classification of equal length texts works without padding, but in reality, practically, texts never have the same length. For example, spam filtering on blog article: ...
Dan D.'s user avatar
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How do I test an LSTM-based reinforcement learning model using any Atari games in OpenAI gym?

I am writing a couple of different reinforcement learning models based on Rainbow DQN or some PG models. All of them internally use an LSTM network because my project is using time series data. I ...
ZXY's user avatar
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How do GPUs faciliate the training of a Deep Learning Architecture?

I would love to know in detail, how exactly GPUs help, in technical terms, in training the deep learning models. To my understanding, GPUs help in performing independent tasks simultaneously to ...
Anubhav Sachan's user avatar
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What is the difference between LSTM and fully connected LSTM?

I'm currently trying to understand the difference between a vanilla LSTM and a fully connected LSTM. In a paper I'm reading, the FC-LSTM gets introduced as FC-LSTM may be seen as a multivariate ...
nn3112337's user avatar
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Do you have to add a dense layer onto the final layer of an LSTM?

If my understanding of an LSTM is correct then the output from each LSTM unit is the hidden state from that layer. For the final layer if I wanted to predict e.g. a scalar real number, would I want to ...
David's user avatar
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LSTM - MAPE Loss Function gives Better Results when Data is De-Scaled before Loss Calculation

I am building an LSTM for predicting a price chart. MAPE resulted in the best loss function compared to ...
user134132523's user avatar
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How do LSTM or GRU gates learn to specialize in their desired tasks?

While I was studying the equations for the computation inside GRU and LSTM units, I realized that although the different gates have different Weight matrices, their overall structure is the same. They ...
Tolga Aktas's user avatar