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Questions tagged [mask-rcnn]

For questions about the mask R-CNN model, proposed in the paper "Mask R-CNN" (2018) by Kaiming He et al.

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4 votes
1 answer

How does Mask R-CNN automatically output a different number of objects on the image?

Recently, I was reading Pytorch's official tutorial about Mask R-CNN. When I run the code on colab, it turned out that it automatically outputs a different number of channels during prediction. If the ...
dato nefaridze's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is Mask R-CNN suited to solve a multi-class classification problem where the classes are related?

I want to create a model to solve a multi-class classification problem. Here are more details about my problem. Every picture contains only one object The background is very simple All objects ...
Korosi Gabor's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to instruct Mask RCNN to identify objects too close to each other?

I have been trying to train a Mask RCNN model to identify individual poker chips in a stack. No matter what property I change, the end results look like the following image. I was guessing the issue ...
ANN's user avatar
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Getting bounding box/boundaries from segmentations in UNet Nuclei Segmentation

From my understanding, in a tissue where nuclei are present and need to be detected, we need to predict bounding boxes (either rectangular/circular or in the shape of the nucleus, i.e. as in instance ...
Prasanjit Rath's user avatar
2 votes
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How much should we augment our training data?

I am wondering how much I should extend my training set with data augmentation. Is there somewhere a pre-defined number I can go with? Suppose I have 10000 images, can I go as far as 10x or 20x times, ...
Ad Blu's user avatar
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1 answer

possible to combine multiple labeled objects as one object?

So I have labeled the entire skeletal muscles in detail. For example instead of just labeling shoulders I have labeled: Rear Delt Middle Delt Front Delt but now you want all of the delts to be ...
AdvilPLZ's user avatar
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Ways to train a neural network continuosly as new data is added [duplicate]

There is a project I'm currently working on that requires object detection with continuous training. The idea is to train a model beforehand with a standard dataset. When I get new images I want to &...
Pedro Carvalho's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Mask R-CNN: How are the computed masks projected back to the input image?

The computed masks by Mask R-CNN are of fixed size $m \times m$ each. How are they projected back to the image?
orbit's user avatar
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Mask R-CNN: how is the inference done?

According to the Mask R-CNN paper and the picture below (taken from the paper), the mask branch is computed in parallel with the bbox classification and regression branches. However in the paper they ...
orbit's user avatar
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0 answers

Can I use a Mask R-CNN to detect a skin texture?

I'm trying to implement a solution in python to detect skin in an image. I'm evaluating the Mask R-CNN model to create a mask on the skin (not on clothes). The problem is that every solution I have ...
Tix00's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Why instance segmentation architectures using reconstruction masks but not regression?

I'm wondering why many model architectures use binary mask reconstruction for segmentational CNNs, and not regression of mask polygon coordinates? Many object detectors use regression to find ...
Dmitry  Sokolov's user avatar
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How can you add additional features/attributes while doing instance segmentation?

I want to do an instance segmentation of objects in images. Usually I would stick to something like an Mask R CNN and let it run. However additionally to the image itself and the pre-labeled images, I ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Improving Mask RCNN by arbitrary scaling head input

Currently, I am looking at how Mask R-CNN works. It has a backbone, RPN, heads, etc. The backbone is used for creating the feature maps, which are then passed to the RPN to create proposals. Those ...
Darwin Harianto's user avatar