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3 answers

Why does Alpha Zero's Neural Network flip the board to be oriented towards the current player?

While reading the AlphaZero paper in preparation to code my own RL algorithm to play Chess decently well, I saw that the "The board is oriented to the perspective of the current player." I ...
Akshay Ghosh's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How does the Alpha Zero's move encoding work?

I am a beginner in AI. I'm trying to train a multi-agent RL algorithm to play chess. One issue that I ran into was representing the action space (legal moves/or honestly just moves in general) ...
Akshay Ghosh's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can AlphaZero considered as Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning?

Can AlphaZero considered as Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning? I could not find a clear answer on this. I would say yes it is Multi Agent Learning, as there are two Agents playing against each ...
flexw's user avatar
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