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What place do Agent Communications Language have in Multi-Agent Systems nowadays?

I am currently working on implementing a Multi-Agent System for Smart Grids. There's a lot of literature for that and some things confuse me. I have read that there is FIPA, which aimed to create a ...
Heckspoiler's user avatar
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How to train the NN of simple agents given a reward system?

I'm not an expert in AI or NN, I gathered most of the information I have from the internet, and I'm looking for advice and guidance. I'm trying to design a NN that is going to be used by all the ...
Nick's user avatar
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Agents meeting in a directed connected graph

We have a directed connected graph, where nodes are places one can go to and edges are the "roads" between places. We have K agents whose goal is to meet in one node. Agents start in ...
Karol's user avatar
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What are the examples of agents that is represent these characteristics?

I'm looking for examples of AI systems or agents that best represent these five characteristics (one example for each characteristics): Reactivity Proactivity Adaptability Sociability Autonomy It ...
user30118's user avatar
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Multi Agent Sokoban Search Solvers state of the art

I also asked this question here but I'm repeating it on this SE because I feel it is more relevant. No intention to spam. I am researching into coding a solver for a variant of the Sokoban game with ...
Panos Filianos's user avatar
8 votes
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What are some examples of intelligent agents for each intelligent agent class?

There are several classes of intelligent agents, such as: simple reflex agents model-based reflex agents goal-based agents utility-based agents learning agents Each of these agents behaves slightly ...
practronix512's user avatar