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Questions tagged [noise]

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0 votes
1 answer

Can a GAN Produce Different Inception Scores with the Same Dataset and Noise?

If the dataset, shuffle, and noise are all kept the same, is it possible for the same GAN to give different Inception Scores each time?
1 vote
0 answers

What are all the inputs that support diversity of images in text to image generation?

For this question, consider the stable diffusion model. For a given text embedding, Stable Diffusion can generate diverse images. In this context, 'diversity' refers to the variation among the images ...
1 vote
0 answers

Are diffusion models still beneficial in highly compressed latent spaces?

Consider for example the MNIST dataset. When we apply diffusion to the pixel space, the image slowly becomes more and more noisy until white noise has been reached (like below). In the last step (t=...
0 votes
2 answers

How does noise samples from uniform distribution contribute to the diversity of generator output?

In a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), there are two multi-layer perceptrons. One is the generator network and another is a discriminator network. The input for the generator network is a noise ...
1 vote
0 answers

What are the best practices of adding noise to game-playing bots?

I write bots that play card games. From time to time, I add noise to their decisions, mainly for two reasons: Reduce predictability: In games with hidden information the optimal play is a mix between ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is the noise term $\epsilon$ in $y=g(x) + \epsilon$ used to denote the model's imperfection to the real world?

In supervised machine learning, it is common to say that we learn a function of the form $$y=g(x) + \epsilon.$$ Generally, $\epsilon$ is used to denote noise or, more precisely, any influence by ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Why is noise vector represented by letter $z$? [closed]

Most of the notations in Artificial Intelligence are borrowed from the mathematics. $x$ stands for input (vector), $y$ stands for output (vector) etc., and the list is long. But, I am not sure whether ...