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How to deal with many unlabeled data in an object detection dataset

I've a large multi-class object detection image dataset. The goal is to use a Yolo(v11) model to be trained on the aforementioned dataset to solve the object detection task. My intuition says that the ...
Ramiro Hum-Sah's user avatar
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YOLOv1 - Why do we predict multiple bounding boxes?

When you look at the YOLOv1 paper and corresponding implementations it is always mentioned that for every grid cell, we predict B bounding boxes (usually two). Then we use IoU to choose the ...
Lockhart 's user avatar
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Understanding MOTChallenge dataset format

I was looking into MOT17 datasets. And I have some stupid questions regarding dataset: Q1. Why there is no ground truth files in test datasets? For example ...
RajS's user avatar
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Can the output of non-max suppression have more bounding boxes than the number of objects the picture actually has?

I am not really understanding the non-max supression (NMS) algorithm. Let's say my model produces 20 bounding boxes (bbs) for my picture which have 7 cats (7 objects with the same class). Can it be ...
hachane's user avatar
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Uncensored auto-captioning libraries that work well for NSFW image datasets?

I have a large (>2.5 million files) dataset of NSFW images that I would like to auto-generate detailed (~100-150 token) captions for, using a visual language model similar to CogVLM or Llava. I ...
Jay Ferments's user avatar
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Object detection with deep learning

I am getting familiar with video detection/tracking using neural networks. Specifically, I am referring to algorithms that take in input an image or a sequence of images and, for each frame, it ...
user1135371's user avatar
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Using computer vision to comprehend Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams

I'm wondering how to approach this problem. I want to create an excel document (or just a dictionary) where each instrument (circle objects FV 1031, for example) is associated with a line number (for ...
Daniel Caoili's user avatar
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Cannot find appropriate model to classify hidden states

My input data is vector representing encoded image - 22 features, and I try to classify by 3 classes 0, 1, 2 (neutral, good, bad) Original: ...
Max Usanin's user avatar
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What AI do I need for pizza delivery system? [closed]

For example I want to have a chat bot for pizza ordering. So far I assume that I need (I'm not sure): Context Question Answering (questions about menu, pizzas) Entity Recognition (ordering some pizza)...
Xeo's user avatar
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How can I limit the number of things Yolov7 can Identify?

So Yolov7/v8 are able to classify numerous distinct objects. One of those objects is cups for example. If I wanted to only look of cups how would I change my setup without having to do custom object ...
Drew Patton's user avatar
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NN Architecture for the detection of "sparse" Objects

I have a document digitalization task where I want to detect technical drawings from images. These Images mostly consist of objects made up of combination of shapes like lines, circles and rectangles. ...
Julian's user avatar
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YOLOv7 fine tuning with unbalanced dataset

I have a question about training object detection models especially using the YOLOv7 algorithm. I use a Soccer Players Dataset from the Roboflow. The dataset is very unbalanced. I trained the model ...
ofevy's user avatar
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Object recognition based on its movement [closed]

Models like YOLO, Detectron2, etc. classify objects based on their appearance. This is great when we have single images, and we want to classify objects within those images. However, video contains a ...
pookie's user avatar
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Can NotA (none of the above) class be combined with object detection / segmentation models?

So there's this way of classifying an object as NotA (none of the above) class as described in So mostly this uses a sort of confidence thresholding with different ...
MachineLearner's user avatar
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Mapping an image to a well defined object using OpenCV

I am completely new to computer vision and I am working on a small hobby project. The goal is to use camera footage of a foosball table to map the image to already well defined object geometry with ...
apriede's user avatar
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What is single object localization?

Object detection is said to be combination of object localization and image classification. However, when reviewing localization, I often come across the term "single-object" localization, ...
akastack's user avatar
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Is there a way to improve the low-quality data?

I'm on a robotics team and we've been tasked to write a program to differentiate between a live and dead fish. We've been given ~15 minutes of training footage and it's absolutely terrible. It's low ...
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For an image (of any object), how to find its location in the other image(s) which contains it, given there are no labels or annotations for any image

Problem Statement: I am given 2 sets of images. All the images in both sets are without annotations and labels. First set : a set of images of the grocery store shelves (captured in the grocery stores)...
Aarush Aggarwal's user avatar
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How does the classification head of EfficientDet work?

EfficientDet outputs classes and bounding boxes. My question is about both but specifically I am interested in the class prediction net part. In the paper's diagram it shows 2 conv layers. I don't ...
ML Dev's user avatar
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Multiple labels for the same rectbox?

My goal is to identify the horse in a photo. I'm dealing with about 500 unique horses. My feeling is that the best way to distinguish one horse from another is by its face. So I trained Yolov5 ...
GoldenNewby's user avatar
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In anchor based object detection, why don't the anchors share the same weights?

After reading about YOLO V3 and Faster R-CNN, I don't understand why the weights for the regression head aren't the same across all boxes of the same size. Given that the backbone of these systems is ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Why object detection algorithms are poor in optical character recognition?

OCR is still a very hard problem. We don't have universal powerful solutions. We use the CTC loss function An Intuitive Explanation of Connectionist Temporal Classification | Towards Data Science ...
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How can I train a model to recognize object with zoomed-in image?

Humans are good at guessing animals with zoomed-in images from patterns of fur/skin. (For example, if we saw a black-white pattern fur, it must be a zebra) I have some experience guessing a car model ...
George Zheng's user avatar
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How are Ground truth provided to each Pyramid map in RetinaNet or YOLOv3 Paper? How is the mapping of Feature Pyramids done to Ground Truth

SO the YOLO V3 and RetinaNet both uses the Feature pyramids which look something like this: (except b and e which have one ...
Deshwal's user avatar
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Can object detection approaches be used to solve text/detection problems?

I have been working on text detection and recognition for almost two months and new on this field. So far, I have fine-tuned, tested, and trained several text detection/recognition methods, such as ...
yakhyo's user avatar
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Image classification - Need method to classify "unknown" objects as "trash" (3D objects)

We have an image classifier that was built using CNN with faster R-CNN and Yolov5. It is designated to run on 3D objects. All of those objects have similar "features" structure, but the ...
Stackaloo's user avatar
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Can the (sparse) categorical cross-entropy be greater than one?

I am using AlexNet CNN to classify my dataset which contains 10 classes and 1000 data for each class, with 60-30-10, splits for train, validation, and test. I used different batch sizes, learning ...
SahaTib's user avatar
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If random rotations are included in the data augmentation process, how are the new bounding boxes calculated?

When studying bounding box-based detectors, it's not clear to me if data augmentation includes adding random rotations. If random rotations are added, how is the new bounding box calculated?
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Single-Shot Learning for Object Re-Identification

I am looking for a way to re-identify/classify/recognize x real life objects (x < 50) with a camera. Each object should be presented to the AI only once for learning and there's always only one of ...
sonovice's user avatar
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Find object's location in an area using computer vision

I'm trying to see how to detect the location of a soccer ball in the field using the live camera. What are some ways to achieve this? 1- Assuming we have a fixed camera with a wide shot. How to find ...
Mary's user avatar
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Get object's orientation or angle after object detection

I'm trying to get a detected car's orientation when object detection is applied. For instance, when we apply object detection on a car and get a bounding box, is there any ways or methods to calculate ...
Mary's user avatar
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How can I train a CNN to detect when a person is smoking outside of shop given images from a video camera?

My friend is working at a pizza shop. He takes cigarette breaks in an area that is covered by the public webcam of our town. I now want to train a convolutional neural network to be able to detect ...
Howard's user avatar
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Is it ok to perform transfer learning with a base model for face recognition to perform one-shot learning for object classification?

I am trying to create a model that is using a one-shot learning approach for a classification task. We do this because we do not have a lot of data and it also seems like a good way to learn this ...
Maciek Woźniak's user avatar
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Why isn't medical imaging improving faster with AI?

Researcher here. I just read this piece about medical imaging ai with object recognition and it left me wondering why there are still 100,000+ deaths a year in the US due to misdiagnosis - anyone out ...
Very AI 's user avatar
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Can I resize my images after labeling them?

Is it okay if I label my images with their original size and then resize them, or should I first resize them and then label them? I mean do I need to recalibrate my labels if I resized my images?
Ali Khalili's user avatar
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How to quickly change hand-drawn shapes to symmetrical polished shapes?

Given a hand-drawn shape, I'd like to generate the corresponding symmetrical polished shapes such as circle, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid, square, parallelogram, etc. A short video demonstration ...
JammingThebBits's user avatar
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Video recognition (specifically video, not individual frames)

There are libraries for recognizing individual video frames, but I need to recognize an object in motion. I can recognize a person in every single frame, but I need to know if the person is running or ...
Ruslan Ablyazov's user avatar
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Detect object in video and augment another video on top of it

I'm trying to detect an object in a video (with slight camera movement), and then augment another video on top of it. What is the simplest approach to do that? For instance, let's assume I have this ...
Mary's user avatar
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Is the choice of the optimiser relevant when doing object detection?

Suppose that we have 4 types of dogs that we want to detect (Golden Retriever, Black Labrador, Cocker Spaniel, and Pit Bull). The training data consists of png images of a data set of dogs along with ...
neeraj's user avatar
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What is the best way to detect and recognize traffic signs in a picture?

I'm working on a project for my college to recognize traffic signs in pictures. I searched a lot but can't find the best method to do it. Can someone recommend me a paper, article, or even GitHub link ...
all_alone's user avatar
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Recognize carp and give them a unique id

For my internship assignment I have to implement a proof of concept for an application that is supposed to scan a picture with a carp on it and identify which carp this is. All of the carps that are ...
Jesper V's user avatar
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Small size datasets for object detection, segmentation and localization [closed]

I am looking for a small size dataset on which I can implement object detection, object segmentation and object localization. Can anyone suggest me a dataset less than 5GB? Or do I need to know ...
0xPrateek's user avatar
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YOLOv3 Synthetic Data Training

Suppose we want to train a model to detect various objects. Let's say we have training data of those objects in various backgrounds along with their bounding boxes. Basically these objects have been ...
Guessguy112233's user avatar
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YOLO 9000 about Better Stronger

In this paper, YOLO has three features compared to YOLO v1. This question is about Better and Faster. In the Better section, there are many techniques such as Batch Norm, Anchor Box and so on. In the ...
musako's user avatar
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How can I recognise the name of a molecule given an image of its structure?

I want to recognize the name of the chemical structure from the image of the chemical structure. For example, in the image below, it is a benzene structure, and I want to recognize that it is benzene ...
Lalit Vyas's user avatar
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FasterRCNN's RPN network training

I would like to know if my understanding of RPN training is correct, and if never training the RPN on some specific anchor box is bad (i.e if the anchor never sees good nor bad examples). To make my ...
Michael Heidelberg's user avatar
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Is it possible to use AI for detecting the volume of a cup

I was just wondering if it's possible to use Machine Learning to train a model from a dataset of images of cups with a given volume in the image and then use object detection to detect other cups and ...
akano1's user avatar
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learning object recognition of primitive shapes through transfer learning problem

Question on transfer learning object classification (MobileNet_v2 with 75% number of parameters) with my own synthetic data: I made my own dataset of three shapes: triangles, rectangles and spheres. ...
SumakuTension's user avatar
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Is it possible to train a CNN to predict the dimensions of primitive objects from point clouds?

Is it possible to train a convolutional neural network (CNN) to predict the dimensions of primitive objects such as (spheres, cylinders, cuboids, etc.) from point clouds? The input to the CNN will be ...
MostafaBakr's user avatar
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Pose estimation using CNNs on Point clouds

In the case of single shot detection of point clouds, that is the point cloud of an object is taken only from one camera view without any registration. Can a Convolutional Network estimate the 6d pose ...
MostafaBakr's user avatar